Adventures from the Frontline of German Class

Oct 05, 2010 14:16

Last night I went to dinner with my dear friend who is considered the Russia of our group, and who has been my friend for the last seven...eight years. We enjoy joking around as Prussia and Russia a lot. So she asked me what I learned today. "I learned how to say Russia in German." Which I seriously had just learned how to say that day. ("Russland," if anyone wants to know). (The name for Belarus is really amusing, considering Hetalia: WeiBrussland).

So, every day before German class starts, we listen to German music. It's a kinda nice way to start the morning. So, this morning, I was listening to "Be Prepared" from the Lion King in German (Scar's voice in German... I love Jeremy Irons, don't get me wrong, but he can't sing like this guy) and I recognized one of our vocab words! So I tell that to the teacher, so we pull up the Lion King in German and start out our day that way. And then I asked her a bit about the Nazi Hyenas and that opened up a pretty good discussion about how the Lion King parallels much of German cinema after WWII. Then we watched Hakuna Matata in German as well.

Also, I just realized yesterday it's very likely my Senior Thesis for my History BA is going to disintegrate into Hetalia fic.

hetalia, college, russia, history, movies, life, music

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