But I hit the close button on my browser.
Anyway, just discovered my phone bill this month is only £40, which is lucky as I am totally broke and need to go shopping for just about everything possible. Turns out those people who were removing money from my account didn't see fit to issue a refund yet and so I'm -£40 that I should have back by now. This is nearly as bad as last time - though luckily the original £300 was given back in Feb. Just getting the last bit out of them.
In other news I am still on the jobsearch. At some point I actually do have to actually do some work apparently, and I thought now is as good as any time.
Babysitting Yasmine tonight, we're going to watch Doctor Who together and salivate over David Tennant (I should mention Yasmine is 8, therefore no real competition). She got me slightly addicted to Animal Crossing this week - and I repaid her by paying off a chunk of her mortgage. I really ought to have just hit her. Really.
So now I can apologise for the self-pity yesterday- seems I was wrong, and was suffering from now of those medication blips that happens after a nights heavy drinking. Thank you
sarah_frost for the snuggles, they were much appreciated.
I'm going to now attempt to get up and read some of a book... If I can get my mind of the gorgeousness of Tennant that is.