Poetry for September and October...

Oct 29, 2006 12:55

I am still loving my 'God of Stone' reference to Yasunari Kawabata. Anyone interested in modern(ish) Japanese prose ought to look at some of his work, I just finished 'Palm Of The Hand Stories' again, and it gets more relevant with every reading.

Anyway. This is set to be a long one. As you know my issues have been keeping me away from long stints at my PC typing. Perhaps you shall notice the direct change in topic and mood to some of them. But I am back, and I intend to now bestow upon you the total sum of my poetic worth for the past two months. Or, in laymans terms, type up my shit.


They say all artists
must be tortured, wretched souls
to give their art worth.
Is there no worth in rapture?
This world is too Aryan.

Perhaps my death should
be more passionate rather
than this slow seeping.
In truth we are all dying,
some day we shall accept it.

Each pill removes a
memory, where as each thought
gives birth to new pain.

I once craved feeling
in all its cruel ways and forms
to break up boredom.
How I wish now for the quiet,
peaceful rest of nothingness.

The reason I cry
is not you, it is simply
the tears will not stop.

I see no future.
In the tarot there are lies.
My mind is adrift.

Your name repeated
like a mantra upon this
cold autumnal night.

I can almost hear
your voice in the falling rain
outside my window.


As summer turns to
Autumn I wonder if all
things must truly end.

The miles between us
become inconsequential
when I long for you.

Two thirty am
I am still awake as I
dream of the future.

My only true friend
why is it I miss you now
though you are still here?

I felt it today
now I know your house is sold
the loss feels so real.

Why do I mourn so?
You are still here and I know
we are always friends.

Firelit dancing
Autumn draws to a early end
now that you are gone.

I am defective
my fragile mind lives only
to give me more pain.

I skip iPod songs
hungrily awaiting those
that were dear to us.
Missing you though you are here
I fear the loss when you've gone.

I can not recall
a time without my Nikki
I was far too young.
I wonder if the world will
cease to exist without you.

My page full of words,
My heart full of longing,
How can I go on?

Today it is real
I do not care for the world
only my poor heart.

On a hill in fall
the leaves of trees are turning
when touched by frost
But even though years may pass
I will never forget you

Evening showers turn
to morning frost despite how
warm I feel inside.

Today every inch is
a mile and every moment
an eternity.

Soon a half hour walk
will become a three hour drive
and I have no car.

Once in a dream
I was told the bananas
were starting to turn,
Now my mind is full of gay
bananas and weirder thoughts...

The sound of water
sends many men insane when
they can not drink it.

My mind is adrift
my body aching for you
how long shall I wait?

My life lays undone
my world now changed forever
by your short message.

All that I have known
and all I have ever been
is now torchwood.

How is it that you
can capture my stubborn heart
with only one dance?

Everything I love
is within these four dull walls,
including the dust.

The best thing in life
is waking up beside you
a few hours early.

I tell them I have
mental health issues and they
always soak it up.

All that I love,
all that I am is with you,
can you not see it?



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