I just spent half an hour crying because my coffee went cold. Could have picked a better reason, like the millions starving in Africa, or the fact North Korea is about to blow us all to hell, but no. My choice was cold coffee.
Apologies for the radio silence to both my MySpace and LJ readers, I've been cleaning. So far have done my bedroom, the landing and the bathroom. Took hours for each, but I got there eventually. I'm planning to dyson everything again tommorow morning. But I tell you, there is nothing like spending two hours on a floor with a scrubbing brush to make you sleep well.
Saw the wonderousness of Nikkita Leona Nikkia Council nigh five days ago, and have had heavens knows how many phone calls since asking how to install the Sims2. No doubt at this moment she is building gigantic houses which she can't fill as the furniture is all 'too small'. I on the other hand just graduated my Sims from SimUni and built them a nice detached mock-tudor in VeronaVille.
I also figured out how to make ghosts selectable. Go me!
For anyone who hasn't seen Nate's link try this site :
Techs Message. I've been looking at it for the past few days and it seems one of the best I've seen. I'm now downloading some podcasts to listen to at the doctors. Or I would be if the link worked... *shakes fist*
Google have bought YouTube. How long until someone sues? Answers on a postcard please.
In other news I just got the new 8G iPod Nano. It's ok, but I keep feeling like I am going to snap it. Just downloading some opera to put on it. I'm in an opera mood atm.