Feb 17, 2004 14:55
ok, I will go ahead and throw it out there. I am doing a musical... Supprise supprise! Its actually really cute and funny. The musical is called Trial by Jury. This is the musical I didn't audition for, but got connened into doing. I may have complained, but aside from the time that I don't really have, it was actually worth it. I have enjoyed this nice lite and silly farce. It's about this woman who sues this boy because he decides he does not want to marry her. Anyway, if any of you want to see something really cute and funny, this is well worth it.
Also for all of you who have short attention spans its really short. The performance is more like a verity show. You are actually seeing two entirely seperate musicals. Trial by Jury is only about 35 mins. Then following that is Cox and Box... which I really know nothing aboutin all honesty. By the way thanks to all of you who came to my Jephtha concert. It really ment alot to me.
And because I love you guys so much, and I know your love me too, you will forgive a lack of spellcheck while I crash for tonight.
Just a few more nights of crazy-go-nuts and I will be free to breath for a bit.
Trial by Jury
opens this friday
feb 20-22,27-29 7:30 PM 2:00 PM on sunday
box office : 940-382-1915
*I wish to hear no cynical comments about unfortunate incarcirations for from thanksgiving =P*
thank you peanut gallery