May 03, 2008 23:43
Well chaps, two essays done and I've almost finished my third. I tell you, these three weeks have sucked.
So yeassss. Last week I missed a day of uni due to communism. That's ridiculous don't you think? The simple fact that I am a female and must go through what all of us do forces me to take a day off uni because I can't get out bed because I'm doubled over in pain. Fuck you men.
Hmmm, what else? Had an excellent lecture by the fabulous Will Christie (who has been redeemed since his Shelley bashing) on slavery. Made me really want to watch Amazing Grace, so thats what I did. That made me want to watch Amistad, but I didn't, that one is tooo sad.
Watched the first Indiana Jones movie with Bec. Really enjoyed it, I look forward to the others. Watched Gangs of New York tonight with Mum. Totally in love with that film, can't wait to do my tute presentation.
Oh! Yesterday I ordered my dress for my 21st. It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo prettty! V Mrs. Lovett indeed, but can double as oh so many things...I think it's what Erik would wear if he was a woman. I wanna watch that now...and there's still the sad longing to watch Nims Island...sigh...I can't believe Silk got released over here, and whats more Wetheril is actually showing it =O So I must see that one. I think I've been wanting to see it for two years now.
In other news, Ziggy made my nose bleed. Yes, my baby has turned on me. Well, he jumped up to play and his paw cut my nose, bless him. He was in so much trouble this morning! Mum found him curled up on the lounge...he ain't allowed in ze lounge room...she went nuts, he was sooking allll day.
Hmmm, I leave you all to contemplate this as I have been ever since Thursdays lecture on slavery: Slavery is condoned in the bible, yet our modern societies look down upon it, it is in no way legal. Ask your everyday Christian or non-Christian and chances are they disapprove of it and would never partake in any act of slavery even if the bible condones it. In short, they choose to ignore bits of the bible and start talking about the old testament in the eyes of the new testament, so why is the stance on homosexuality unchanged and futhermore objected to because it is objected to in the bible? You can't pick and choose what suits you in your belief in the bible, you either believe all or none; thus Christianity is fundamentally hypocritical.