[jp] persuade

Jan 19, 2009 19:55

Takes place during and after this

“I wanna fucking break shit.”

“That’s fine. Great, even. Just don’t make it your fucking locker, kid.”

The bitter laugh on the other end actually made Cain wince as he listened to his daughter. No seventeen year old girl should sound so harsh, so jaded as she did in that moment she laughed.

“Fuck my locker, and fuck everyone. This is the PTB thinking they fucking own our shit. Bee’s bein’ punished ‘cause she helped me.”

“That ain’t true and you goddamn well know it.”

“I don’t know shit, Dad.” Hank replied vehemently. “All I know is that when I needed her, she was there. Now she’s had her brain sucked out by someone or something, and I’m gonna kill whoever I have to in order to fix her…then I’m done. You fucking hear me? I’m fucking done with this Slayer shit!”

Cain didn’t have a chance to protest as the line went dead. Shutting his eyes, he stared at the page of the demon codex in front of him and began to feel his own temper boil in much the same fashion.

God was fucking with them all, and Cain didn’t like it one fucking bit.

Slamming his book shut, he flipped his cell phone open again and dialed up a familiar number, clenching his teeth as he fought not to grind them while he waited for the other end to pick up the phone.

A moment later, a familiar Brooklynese tenor came on the line. “Hello?”

Shutting his eyes, Cain tried not to let the voice comfort him too much…he had a little venom to spew before he was willing to be calmed.

“I wanna fucking break shit.”

Tommy’s laugh was warm, gentle…sad, but understanding.

“That’s fine, Cain. Great, even. Just don’t make it something expensive, all right?...”

Muse: Cain Callahan
Fandom: BtVS (OC)
Words: 306

plot - memento vivere, who - tommy karras, who - hank callahan, who - baileigh solis, jp - challenges, just prompts

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