[ooc] state of the muse

Jan 14, 2009 14:06

So not many people read Cain's LJ, but I figure hey! Musey changes, so let's keep the general public appraised, ya? Ya.

So as many may have noticed, Cain's been kinda quiet, as has his girlfriend, no_substitution, who I might add? Just happens to be brilliant. There's a REASON Sassy's favorite game is 'I Win,' because she sorta does. Anypoodle, RL has kept poor Sassy away for a while, and it's left Cain a little at a loss. There were some plots and stuff in the works for them, but when Sassy!mun had to move her focus away from RP, they got kinda left hanging in the air.

Cain, however, is still vocal as hell and restless, so in order to keep my muse happy? I'm creating an AU version of his canon. Bear in mind, this is really just a device to let me run wild with him until he can return to his old, happier world...I'm not ditching any stories, just creating some new ones until the REAL party can begin.

So to review the worlds...

SEARCHLIGHT: This is Cain's canon 'verse. Cain is living and working in Searchlight, Nevada. He's dating Sassafras Lally (no_substitution, who's currently in Los Angeles helping out a friend, and his daughter Hank (hank_callahan) is currently staying with family in Detroit to finish out school. Along with dealing with life in Slayer Central, he's also hard at work in developing a rock-solid proposal for the Watcher's Council: the creation of a group devoted to the study of biological metaphysics that could benefit both Slayer health and provide a future combat advantage against the forces of darkness.

SCYTHE-VERSE: After taking disenfranchised Slayer from the future Melaka Fray (sotake_meon) under his wing, he was thrown from his own time and into hers at the will of the Powers That Be. Finding out from a summoned oracle that he's meant to fill the void left by the fanatics of the Watcher's Council, he also learns that he was removed from his time so that his daughter would meet her fate in the year 2008: death at the hands of a demon, according to Melaka Fray.

REASON TO PRAY: This is an AU version of Cain's canon 'verse. Having left on questionable terms for Los Angeles, Cain is struggling with the reality that he may have lost the woman he's fallen in love with. Wrestling with the twilight of their relationship and separation anxiety from his daughter, he struggles to choose between his life in Searchlight and a possible return to his hometown to be closer to his daughter, and face down some of the demons from his past.

All posts will be labeled as needed, and until the world allows our favorite surly doctor and bouncy Slayer to return to their regular sextivities, Cain will be posting primarily in the Reason To Pray world, both with prompts and in outside comms. Again, not leaving anyone in the dust here, and there's no musey trouble...Cain's just bored. LOL!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled LJ, already in progress. :P

ooc - state of the muse, who - the mun

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