[tmw] 17.3 - frustration

Jul 26, 2009 16:58

NOTE: Dr. Eric Michaels is mine to use and abuse. girl_ofsecrets is mentioned with permission and love. Follows this piece.

“You’re not supposed to have that, you’re not on this case.”

Cain turned away from the lightboard in the X-ray viewing room, where his daughter’s ultrasound hung. “Gonna take it from me?”

Dr. Eric Michaels chuckled as he straightened and moved in to join him. “Not likely…I’ve heard the rumors. Seen ‘em in action enough, too.”

Snorting, Cain turned back to the ultrasound. “I did my stint in obstetrics when I went to school, been brushing up for the delivery, too…but you know what I’m lookin’ at better ‘n I do.” He paused, his jaw tightening as he tried not to look at the OB-GYN at his side. “She’s…okay, right?”

“There’s not a blessed thing wrong with her, Dr. Callahan.”

With a deep, shaky sigh, Cain said a prayer of thanksgiving to the Virgin Mary as his assumptions were confirmed. “Thanks for that, yo.”

“Hey, my pleasure. The pain, near as I can tell, was caused by some round ligament stretching. Normal. The only thing that worries me is that the stretching might not take.”

Heaing…shit, he hadn’t even thought of that. “Her condition might cause that, yeah.”

“Linderman’s Syndrome, right?”

Cain nodded, wishing he could trust the Watcher with more. He didn’t, however, know the man as well as the locals in the hospital, being that he was a new transfer, which required a little fast lying on his part. “Rare form of hyper-immunity without accompanying autoimmune disorders. Causes rapid cellular regeneration and high white count, both of which I been watchin’. She’s been submitting blood samples for the study I been working on.”

“And even with my clearance, that’s all you can tell me?”

Sighing, he nodded. “Sorry, bro.”

Eric just nodded, ever calm. “I get it, man. Honest…listen, I say we go with low dose muscle relaxants for the time being. Her metabolism will break down the drugs before they can reach the baby, and may inhibit some of the regeneration. Not enough to affect her health or the study, but it should allow for the stretching needed to prevent any further discomfort.”

“I owe ya for this, Michaels. No bullshit.”

Eric narrowed his eyes with a smirk and walked over, tugging down the ultrasound pointedly. “Stop raiding patient files you got no right to look at, and we’re even.”

Cain just glowered…but didn’t lay a hand on Eric as the other man left the room.

Muse: Cain Callahan
Fandom: BtVS (OC)
Words: 407

tmw - challenges, what - prompts, who - claire bennet, the muses within, verse - indestructible

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