(no subject)

Mar 31, 2015 20:36

Last Thursday I got my glasses, a few days earlier than I was told. It took a couple of days to get adjusted to them but I am glad I have a pair again to read and see normally. I don't think much has happened otherwise. Just class, homework, and volunteering Mondays and Saturdays. Been feeling a little down here and there also. Oh yeah, there was a meeting last Wednesday for the National Sociology Honors Society thing. My professor from last semester's soc psych class is the adviser, and she wanted me to join. There were only about 6 others there but it was alright. I felt intimidated because there were some grad students talking about theories and things I have not learned about yet. I talked with the professor for a few minutes, and she mentioned that she would like me to be her TA for the soc psych class in the fall. Which was kind of a surprise but kind of also not, since she had an undergrad TA my semester. It wouldn't be the teaching kind, more of the grading kind, but I hesitate to commit to something like that because of the uncertain nature of my anxiety and depression. I plan on talking to her about it soon though. I might be able to do it and I could certainly use a salary.

I have been very non-motivated the past couple week when it comes to homework. The semester will be done in one month, and then I will be free for 2 months!!! Thinking of things to do for my 30th bday, which happens the week after finals. My friend is graduating and there will be a surprise party for her the day before my bday (which is on a lame Monday this year), so a party for myself is out. Options include getting a tattoo, eating dinner with the Moores if they are not partied out from their own, getting a hotel room with a jacuzzi for myself. Basically thinking of ways I can celebrate solo. And yes, I had my moment of being disappointed about that fact, but I am over it. I feel 30 is the last 'big' bday until 50 for some reason. I'd at least like to do something on that day that I wouldn't do normally.

school, birthday

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