Inn!Fic -- Kitty Pryde & The Eighth Doctor

Dec 04, 2007 00:49

Title: Amongst the Rain
Author: fear_alchemist
Rating: G
Characters: Kitty Pryde & The 8th Doctor
Summary: (Written based on the characters played at outsideinn) Kitty wants the Doctor to see an entirely new world.
Notes: I couldn't help it. They're adorable, you know.

The Doctor had been settled with a good cup of tea at a table when he had been very clearly distracted from his beverage consumption! It was Kitty, all smiles and excitement that had him up and out of his chair and stumbling for the very door.

"C'mon, Doctor, c'mon, you have to see this!" She's laughing; he's staring (more a little startled than anything) but she continues to pull him along. "Oh, it's great, it really is. Outside, hurry..."

And oh, the Doctor is finally smiling himself and merely following behind her (tripping, stumbling, being dragged-- same thing. Not to mention her persistance does nothing for his own verbal interjections).

"Kitty, really--" He starts, when she is scampering directly for the door outside, charging them right towards it. He thinks that perhaps she isn't paying attention (because he does know her to be a little off, occasionally) but it's when he is pulled right through the door's surface and is stumbling in the mud outside that he stands in momentary awe.

Kitty lets go of his hand and runs out into the wet grass; the rain is pouring, cold and pricking against their skin, dampening their hair into their eyes and their clothes against their bodies, sun warming the cold the rain leaves behind, but she's laughing all the same.

He thinks about questioning what in the sake of the universe just happened, but he decides to keep quiet. Especially as he sees the stretch of rainbow she had been wishing to show him.
He smiles; She laughs.

They dance again.

Title: Better Days
Author: fear_alchemist
Rating: G
Characters: Kitty Pryde & The 8th Doctor
Summary: (Written based on the characters played at outsideinn) Sometimes, it's okay to be broken together.
Notes: Written for teh cameraneverlies.

She's heard of the Doctor's return, but has yet to see or hear from him. Sure, perhaps she doesn't exactly know him (unless a good dance in the snow could count) but she's interested in at least saying a hello.

She won't admit that she needs a friend at the moment, won't admit that, behind the smile and dainty dance steps, she's grieving.

Kitty finds his room and lightly knocks on the door. When there is silence, she pokes her head through the door with wide, curious eyes set. And there he is, laying upon the bed, and she's never seen the life faded upon him before. But here, he seems tired, troubled.
Or so that's what she percieves.

She moves beside the bed and sits down, staring at her hands (She refuses to believe that her eyes are burning with tears) for a long moment before one of his own extends toward her. She looks up with a small, broken smile and takes his hand, squeezing it tightly.

She closes her eyes and lays back, head against his chest and lets out another shuddered sigh.
They're both silent, eventually left staring at the ceiling, envisioning stars, waltzes and better days.

She falls asleep curled close to him, her hand still lightly embracing his own, because somehow, this perfect stranger, has become a lifeline.

And he looks at her, childish innocence all in one little girl, and believes, if only for a moment, that things could only get better from where they stood.
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