Feb 13, 2011 12:01
So, I'm sure you guys remember my talking about deciding to taper off my pain meds a while ago. Lol, I just had to check that I actually did post that here. It was a while ago.
Anyway, I went down from six at a time 3-4 times a day to six every two days and when I got comfortable with that, five every two days etc. I've gotten all the way down to two every two days and today is my last dose of two. I am officially out of painkillers and I won't be getting more. It's kind of a non-event, really, because right now I feel OK about they whole thing and it's going well. The next few days might be a bit shaky but I'll be fine. So it looks like my goal to be clean by the time I go back to uni will be met and hopefully it'll stick.
This isn't my first dealing with addiction and I doubt that it'll be my last, but at least I managed to make some reasonable decisions about it before it really got out of hand, which it was beginning to do. For example there were a couple of times where I'd sort of come out of sleep but not be able to wake up enough to actually get up...Like I'd been anaesthetised. Lots of fun, that. Or times where I'd wake up gasping for breath because I hadn't been breathing.
So, that's that. Today's the last day and I feel alright about it. For now.
Hmm...What else? I really haven't been doing much lately, not that I haven't had the time, lol. I've been worrying about money too much, but fortunately the worries can now be allayed a little because I finally have Youth Allowance now, lol. Finally. I mean $255 a fortnight is barely anything but it'll cover travel and food, and my savings will cover books and big things I might need, which I suppose I can deal with. Anyway, I'll be glad to not have to think about it anymore.
I went out for coffee with Nimao last week which was alright, I suppose. I don't know. She was telling me about this trip she just got back from -- Europe, UK, some of the Middle East -- and, really, all she did was complain about it the whole time. I mean, I don't have a problem with hearing about people's travel adventures (although I have my limits, lol) but if you're going to tell me about your trip, you can at least keep it interesting and tell me all your marvellous stories and adventures and leave the rest out. But, no. And she deferred from uni last semester with aims of coming back this coming semester, but apparently not. Lol, we talked about what she wants to do long-term, and Nimao said that what she really wants to do is to go to Sydney Uni...To which I replied, "You were already there." More conversation about that and also about how she's not into commitment even though she's been with her boyfriend for four years. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. I don't know. The whole thing was fine, but it was really one of those moments where you kind of see a person for who they really are...She's not a bad sort, not really, but we just don't have a whole lot in common, you know?
Meh, I don't know. There are some odd ducks out there, people.
P.S. I can't believe how long it's been since I posted last...My bad.