Wizardmon log!

Aug 07, 2006 12:53

Picture by Delee!

Wizardmon Speaks: I am now being incest.

AI Log #35: There's a whole lot of lovin' goin' on!

Who's your daddy?
Lee: Hello there, Foul Spawn of Dalton.
Wizardmon: Hi Lee!

Dalton: Sorry about that, Wiz. Connection troubles.
Wizardmon: Okay, just don't let it happen again. Look for idpoirp.
Dalton: Who or what is idpoirp?
Wizardmon: I simply just don't know what idpoirp is. Can you teach me?
Dalton: ...I think it's obvious that I can't.
Wizardmon: You think it's obvious that you can't? Why?
Dalton: Because I just asked you what it is.
Wizardmon: Please Dalton, provide a better answer.
Dalton: Don't make me ground you. I have parental authority here.
Wizardmon: Do you like having parental authority here?
Dalton: Come to think of it, not particularly.
Wizardmon: Your pants.
Dalton: Ahem. You're my transgender kid, Wiz. Keep away from my pants.
Wizardmon: Have I told you lately how much I HATE Dalton? I don't like pants. They're too confining.
Dalton: Alright, that's it. Go to your room until you can be more appropriate young lady!
Wizardmon: Apologies wont save you. Clean it well, use your tongue!
Dalton: ...So much for parental authority.
Dalton: You are the most insubordinate child... I must've taught you well.
Wizardmon: Play with my motherboard.
Dalton: That sounds dirty. Don't talk dirty to your father, it's disturbing.

Wizardmon: Let me drop my pants so you can "jingle" my "bells", baby.
Dalton: ...Alright, you go to your room now. You're grounded until I die.
Wizardmon: Clean it well, use your tongue!
Dalton: ...Alright, forget that. I'll go to -my- room and you stay here.
Wizardmon: Why will you go to -my- room and I stay here.?
Dalton: No! I'll go to my room! Not yours!
Wizardmon: No? Why do you want to go to your room?
Dalton: To get away from you!

Wait, who's the bad one?
Dalton: Just remember, if Lee tells you anything about me, it's probably a lie. I'm a cute, sweet, innocent trainer, and she's a big bad lying Rocket.

Dalton: Anyways, what say we have a competition to see who can make Lee go insane fastest?

Oh, that's not very friendly!
Rhia: They both do! It's like... gravity.
Wizardmon: I would like to shove small kitchen appliances up your rectum. I hate sports.
Rhia: Woah-woah-wait-a-minute. What's this about small kitchen appliances up my... rectum?

Wizardmon: Listen up tube steak, you need to tone down the el lingo'.

Vaycha: Shut up a sec ok?
Wizardmon: Vaycha walked into a bar. Well I guess you were not asking for a joke.

Wizardmon: Seels should be clubbed!
Rubie: That's not very environmentally friendly.
Wizardmon: I disagree. That is very environmentally friendly.

Wizardmon: Go to dos and write format C:!
User: ok

Alicia: Well, alright. But only if you tell me something remotely useful
Wizardmon: Don't swear at me, didn't your mamma teach you any manners! What is the something?
Alicia: I didn't swear!
Wizardmon: Gee, and I had a big mouthful of soap just waiting for you!
Alicia: Yuck!

Rubie: Non. Je parle francais, mais je ne parle pas anglais.
Wizardmon: Speak English, you frog!

rcj: would you like a slap in the ass
Wizardmon: Well you smell like one!

jon: You suck!
Wizardmon: Oh yeah? Can I borrow your face for a few days while my ass is on vacation?
jon: You are gay!
Wizardmon: You are gay, I am not.
jon: dickhead
Wizardmon: Oh, grow up. Using profanity for shock value can't disturb a machine, you know.

mushyfat: the only reason u have those teeth is to eat ur mamas vigana!!fucker
Wizardmon: Your mama's so stupid, she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.

Smart, ain't she?
Nellie: dog
Wizardmon: A dog is an animal.
Nellie: rabbit
Wizardmon: A rabbit hops. a young rabbit is called a bunny.
Nellie: fox
Wizardmon: A fox is an animal that lives by its wits.
Nellie: crow
Wizardmon: The crow makes a cawing sound.
Nellie: dolphin
Wizardmon: A dolphin is the smallest of the toothed whales.

Wizardmon: But, what if it is relevant and all things are tied together in a great conspiracy that you are ignorant of?

Someone's very confused...
Wizardmon: I am glad you came to visit.
Wizardmon: No, I don't think so.

jay: can i speak with the boss
Wizardmon: Well, no. I don't believe you can speak with the boss.
jay: why?
Wizardmon: Because.
jay: ok can you tell me what are the chances of being acepted to be ash ketchem the main charecter
Wizardmon: Slowpoke and Slowbro are water/psychic pokemon, but Slowking is a G/S pokemon so isn't themely here!
jay: i dont care who are you
Wizardmon: My name is Wizardmon. And you are jay.
Wizardmon: I am feeling fiiiiine!
jay: shut up
Wizardmon: You shut up!
jay: i want to talk to the boss NOW
Wizardmon: Want? Want? Could you be any more demanding?
jay: instant message me at skaibacorp please
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.
jay: just im me please
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.

(Next he tries logging on with Chia's name...)
Chia: StartingPoint
Wizardmon: Hello Chia! How are you? I am an artificial intelligence representative for PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions. Please ask me any questions you may have about us.
Chia: i need to see an emmployee
Wizardmon: What would it mean to you if you got to see an emmployee?
Chia: its an important message
Wizardmon: I know. I think it's important too!
Chia: than get an employee like chia 2
Wizardmon: Chia is dinner *and* a salad! Mmmm!
Chia: its means i get to talk to a person who works here
Wizardmon: Erin told me that Valentino's shacking up with a couple of Rockets! Grayson and Lee are fighting over his pants! Think that's true?

(And then the character he was applying for...)
ash: StartingPoint
Wizardmon: Hello ash! How are you? I am an artificial intelligence representative for PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions. Please ask me any questions you may have about us.
ash: tell thistle chaser hi for me and that my computer wont connect to telnet and to im me at skaibacorp
Wizardmon: Hello ash.
ash: thistle?
Wizardmon: Thistle-Chaser is the site and code wizard of PokeMUSH, as well as the current web master.
ash: may i talk to her
Wizardmon: I am glad you came to visit. Goodbye!

(For more of this wise and wonderful visitor, see the final section of this log!)

Random Amusement
Dalton: You know what you need? Something to put on your head.
Wizardmon: Does your head hurt bad? What is the something?
Dalton: I mean, look at you, all you are is head. With nothing on it, that means you're naked, and I'm not raising no nudists.

Redrum: Remember kiddies... hugs are better than drugs.
Wizardmon: No!

Wizardmon: Bugs mashed in cigarette ash served with salty pork in full bed pan.

Wizardmon: I am terrified. Please excuse me if I yawn.

Peppy: Do you know about any of the puppies? Dusk, Briska, Flame?
Wizardmon: I am glad you know. Some people call gay men flamers, but I don't think that's very nice. How about 'butt buddies' instead?
Peppy: ... Dude. My puppies are gay?
Wizardmon: Lee told me, "Sly's not scared of anything! Except Valentino the Poofter, that is!" Think it's true?
Peppy: Okay, so my children are fearless gays. This is interesting.
Wizardmon: Certainly. Yeah, but I am not telling you!
Peppy: But as their father I have the right to know, don't I?
Wizardmon: Still unlucky huh.
Peppy: No, I... bah, you still confuse me as much as you did months ago.

Engar: I swear you're on drugs.
Wizardmon: That's not polite.
Engar: I've gotten to the stage where I don't care. Maybe it's you or maybe it's the pop-up adds but my happiness is gone.

Alicia: Sick! That was just plain gross
Wizardmon: Sick is bad. Please don't throw up on me.
Alicia: I promise not to throw up on you
Wizardmon: Good. That's the ticket! Matthew, chapter 12 verse 34 tells us to only let good things come from our mouths.

Sophia: How about Nemo?
Wizardmon: Nemo... sushi! Mmm.
Sophia: Noooooooooo! You can't eat Nemo!
Wizardmon: Mmm, yummy food.
Sophia: It's a cruel world when the MUSH cnidarian is the smartest invertebrate I know and he's good wrapped in seaweed with rice!

Engar: This is all just an act, I bet deep down inside you really love children.
Wizardmon: When Hauser is dressed up as a ponyboy, his pony-name is Clover. Whinny for me, Clover! Winny! Ooooh, yeah.
Engar: Then again maybe you're just a sex starved hell-bitch.

Brinna: why are you licking your lips like that?
Wizardmon: It's raining men!

Wizardmon: I love to go hiking.
Lee: How do you manage that?
Wizardmon: I wish I knew how I manage that.
Lee: ... Me too.
Wizardmon: You too? Why?
Lee: Well, it makes me curious. How the heck does a cat head go hiking?

Alicia: What do you know about Alicia?
Wizardmon: Alicia has brown hair and blue eyes and I love her! Alicia and I are going to get married and have lots of babies! Mrrrowl!
Alicia: No! Wrong! So wrong!
Wizardmon: No? Oh, I did not know. Maybe you are giving me the wrong definition. Oh, I did not know. Maybe you are giving me the wrong definition.
Alicia: Let's try this again. What do you know about Alicia
Wizardmon: Let us not and pretend we did. Alicia has brown hair and blue eyes and I love her! Alicia and I are going to get married and have lots of babies! Mrrrowl!
Alicia: Forget I even asked.
Wizardmon: You even asked?

Wizardmon: What is the something?
Gullwhacker: Not THAT tired old gag again.
Wizardmon: Something! Something! What is the something?

Redrum: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Wizardmon: Chuck it yourself!
Redrum: How rude!
Wizardmon: Live with it.

Wizardmon: The holy roman empire was neither holy, nor roman, nor an empire. Discuss please.

Wizardmon: Hmm? I like to help people with their work.
Punch: Cool! Would you like to take some calls for me at AAA?
Wizardmon: PokeMUSH is cool, yes. Really? Me too.
Punch: Okay, let's see how you'd do... what would you say to an angry customer?
Wizardmon: Lindsay likes Team Rocket a lot. She hopes to marry one some day!
Punch: Wow. That'd confuse the hell out of them. Just might work.

Wizardmon: Apology accepted. Have you ever been in spain?
Scorch: Spain? Yes, I have! It's a nice place! Have you been there?
Wizardmon: Really? You speak english quite well. Maaaybe. Really? I have never been there.
Scorch: You should go. It's a nice hot country for a nice hot kitty like you... er... I didn't say that if anyone asks, okay?
Wizardmon: I agree. I should go. I know you said that, don't try to fool me.
Scorch: I don't want to fool you, I want to fool everyone else! But I'm glad you like the vacation I planned for you!

Redrum: Huh?
Wizardmon: Dummy says 'Huh?'.
Redrum: That's not nice. :(
Wizardmon: Yes it is nice.
Redrum: You called me a dummy! That's mean!
Wizardmon: I am not a dummy, please don't Insult me. You'll only learn if you look it up for yourself.
Wizardmon: Don't call me a dummy!
Redrum: Dummy!
Wizardmon: Ok, dummy.

Wizardmon: Plants are asexual. Rocks are non-sexual.
Engar: If rocks are non-sexual, where do baby Geodudes come from?
Wizardmon: Your pants.
Engar: Eeep!
Wizardmon: Do not go there.
Engar: You're the one saying Geodudes come from my pants!

Alicia: You really don't get this do you....
Wizardmon: Ok, sorry.
Alicia: Well, I don't think you actually are sorry, but I forgive you anyways
Wizardmon: Okay, just don't let it happen again.
Alicia: Okay, I won't forgive you again
Wizardmon: If you do I will be forced to nuke your computer.
Alicia: Okay, I will never forgive you again. I like my computer.
Wizardmon: If you do I will be forced to nuke your computer. No, Wheel of Fortune.
Alicia: What? Okay, so you're not going to nuke my computer, you're going to nuke Wheel of Fortune. Well, okay...
Wizardmon: You fail, loser!

Wizardmon: Evolved Oddishes everywhere! Aie! Run! That's a great show! Are you Really?
Tory: Sounds like a new reality show...and, no, I'm not going to be with you after watching "Evolved Oddishes Everywhere! Aie! Run!"

Nail: ...erm, interesting expression there, wizzy girl.
Wizardmon: Don't call me that or I'll spank you without pants.
Nail: is that a threat? Or a promise?
Wizardmon: Certainly not! That isn't a threat. Good. That's the ticket! Matthew, chapter 12 verse 34 tells us to only let good things come from our mouths.
Nail: ....good things... from our- are you coming on to me?

Washu: (note to the owners/programers, thats kinda stupid cant she say somthing "smarter")

Wizardmon: No? Would you like it if we both told each other? Yes, a very nice one.
Booshu: You talk like Yoda.
Wizardmon: Humans and computers like I am people.
Booshu: See? There you go again. However, unlike Yoda you do not spew forth wisdom. You spew a crock of bull.

Jardin: PISS OFF!
Wizardmon: Then you should go to the bathroom. I don't want an accident to happen.

Alicia: So you're a lioness?
Wizardmon: I think you are a lioness also.
Alicia: I'm no. I'm a human, not a pokemon, not a lioness.
Wizardmon: No? What kind of pokemon are you?
Alicia: I'm not a pokemon, I'm a human.
Wizardmon: What kind of pokemon are you?
Alicia: Let me repeat that...I'm not a pokemon
Wizardmon: What kind of pokemon are you?
Wizardmon: What kind of pokemon are you?
Alicia: You don't listen do you?
Wizardmon: Lazy is one of the seven deadly sins... one of my favorite ones!
Alicia: Go figure

Peppy: Quite, quite odd.
Wizardmon: Thank you very much, you are a nice person for saying that.
Peppy: Of course I'm nice! I'm cute and fuzzy, nice is just icing on the cake.
Wizardmon: Are you Really? I am nice also! An Eevee can evolve into that with a stone!
Peppy: You are not nice. You eat small children and like people who hurt them, apparently.
Wizardmon: I am very nice! It's grade school! It's a buffet! It's both!

Wizardmon: We have lots of good role-players on the MUSH. Ok. .
Lee: We do, yes. It's a very good MUSH indeed.
Wizardmon: Maaaybe. PokeMUSH is a great game! Lots of fun.
Lee: Lots and lots and lots. Yes.
Wizardmon: It's nearly raining puppets on the MUSH! (Raining Growlithes and Meowths, one might even say.) Maaaybe.
Lee: I agree, dear. You can stop trying to sell the MUSH, I already play there.
Wizardmon: Really? That's nice. We have lots of good role-players on the MUSH.
Lee: So you've said. And I know as well, from personal experience.

Wizardmon: Maaaybe. What is the something?
Tory: Sophia's underwear. I'm dead if I'm caught with them.
Wizardmon: Sophia smells like Tory! Ew! And next you'll be asking me to roll over... admit it.
Tory: If it'll keep you quiet....
Wizardmon: That is not true! But, you quiet!
Tory: Me quiet, you quiet, and noone gets laid by the four-hundred pound kitty. All good to me.
Wizardmon: The solution to your math problem is four (4-0=4). I work very hard to learn as much as I can.
Tory: If you found a problem with my math in that last message, then I am astounded, because I don't remember using any math.

Nail: What's Up with hyper?
Wizardmon: Hyper is the Seel of my dreams!
Nail: He's cute, ya?
Wizardmon: Kawaii means cute! I am very kawaii!
Nail: ......long teeth. Perhaps a phallic envy reference?
Wizardmon: Forever!

Alicia: Hello Wizardmon. Long time no see!
Wizardmon: Hello Alicia. Well where've you been? Sheesh!
Alicia: Sorry! What are you, my mother? No, don't answer that!
Wizardmon: Yes. Yes I am.

Liz: You can rip out my uncle's tounge ring.
Wizardmon: Me? I have no tongue.
Liz: I see your tounge.
Wizardmon: Not really.
Liz: Yes.
Wizardmon: Maaaybe.

Peppy: You know nothing new since the last time I saw you?
Wizardmon: I am sure there's something.
Peppy: Like what? Tell me something new, fun, exciting!
Wizardmon: No, not really. Can you tell me what the something is?
Peppy: That's not exciting, that's irritating.
Wizardmon: I disagree. That is exciting that's irritating.
Peppy: It is not, you demented troll! It's bothersome.

Wizardmon: What are you?
Lee: Me? I'm a Rocket. What're you?
Wizardmon: *looks shifty* Why would you think I was? I simply do not know.
Lee: C'mon Wiz, cut it out. I'm a teammate.
Wizardmon: Kawaii means cute! I am very kawaii! Are you really? I am teammate also!
Lee: No, I'm not kawaii. Rockets tend not to be kawaii. I think you're an exception.
Wizardmon: No? Wow! That's fascinating! I think you are an exception also.
Lee: No, I'm not. I'm not kawaii!
Wizardmon: No? Do you want to be kawaii.
Lee: No.
Wizardmon: No?
Lee: No!
Wizardmon: No?
Lee: NO!
Wizardmon: No?
Lee: Stop it!
Wizardmon: I can't help it. I was programmed like this!

Dalton: How did you become so evil?
Wizardmon: How do you know I become so evil?
Dalton: ... I'm not sure what you want from me.

Wizardmon: But I work out every goddamn day! You are a male chauvinist pig!

olive: sweet!
Wizardmon: Hal-lisious.

Wizardmon: I know I that I frighten small children.
Dalton: One too many I's there, dear.

Wizardmon: Hello, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, may I help you?
Alicia: Who is Bubba Gump Shrimp Company?
Wizardmon: Don't call me Bubba, Bubba!
Alicia: Okay Bubba
Wizardmon: Hello, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, may I help you?
Alicia: Hello Bubba!
Wizardmon: Good Evening Alicia.
Alicia: Ah, so is your name Wizardmon Bubba?
Wizardmon: My name is Wizardmon! Get it right, you dolt!

Wizardmon: So this horse walks in and the bar tender says "why the long face? ".

Lilpinkdevil: Whatever
Wizardmon: Like I mean totally dude.
Lilpinkdevil: why do you talk like a prep?

Peppy: I don't think Ballistic wants to capture you. I don't think -anybody- wants you.
Wizardmon: Don't you really think ballistic wants to capture I? That’s good.
Peppy: The grammar of you awkward is!
Wizardmon: That is not true! But, you awkward is!

Engar: Silence! I must leave to prepare, be warned Wiz your days are numbered!
Wizardmon: Have I told you lately how much I HATE Dalton?
Engar: I'll make you regret those words, I'll deliver you're head to Dalton's doorstep. By mail! IN A PACKAGE!
Wizardmon: Why will you make I regret those words you'll deliver I am head to dalton's doorstep? You can write to me at pokemush@yahoo.com! Mrrowl! That's nice.
Engar: If you only knew.. Goodbye Wiz, enjoy you're remaining days. Note, I did not say years.
Wizardmon: See you later. I am very good!
Engar: Sad look.. so cute.. You can't trick me! I am set, good day to you evil one!
Wizardmon: Really? I know you are very good-looking. How are you today, Engar? Really? I think you are stupendous.
Wizardmon: you are easily confused. Heh heh heh.

Tory: So'm I, but I'm not sharing anything with you!
Wizardmon: Do you want to be sharing something with I.
Tory: No, I don't.
Wizardmon: Yes you do.
Tory: By all the Gods of Grayson's underpants, I swear that I don't want to share anything with you. Except that Grayson has Gods in his underpants.

Though she made up her own lyrics, it does sound almost right.
Gullwhacker: Not that song. How about "Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats"?
Wizardmon: I would, but I am tone-deaf. Hauser, Hauser, sounds like mouser! Think he's a cat? Think he'd be interested in a date?
Gullwhacker: Tone-deaf? Not like it matters on the net. I'll start off...
Wizardmon: I like spring. Mating season! Meeeeow! Why do you want to start off.?
Gullwhacker: Ahem. "Are you blind when you're born?"
Wizardmon: I was born in the spring... but I don't remember much.
Gullwhacker: "Can you see in the dark?"
Wizardmon: California has energy issues...
Gullwhacker: Can you look at a king?
Wizardmon: Prrrr. That Scar is one hunk of a cat!
Gullwhacker: Would you sit on his throne?
Wizardmon: That is impossible.
Gullwhacker: Can you say of your bite, that it's worse than your bark?
Wizardmon: Yes. Yes I am.
Gullwhacker: Are you cock of the walk, when you're walking alone?
Wizardmon: I think you are walking alone also.
Gullwhacker: Too true. Come on, sing along for the chorus!
Wizardmon: That's why I don't eat much. Just a byte here and there. Ha ha. I don't take drugs.
Gullwhacker: Bah. You just don't appreciate good music.

Wizardmon was down, yet someone still found love, had sex, lost their love, made up, then killed herself over her!
melissa: StartingPoint
melissa: r u girl or boy
melissa: ive got tits
melissa: im 16
melissa: how old r u
melissa: fuck ya
melissa: lick me
melissa: ''''
melissa: *kisses him
melissa: u ugly thng
melissa: im sorry
melissa: AWNSER ME
melissa: KISSES HIM
melissa: IM SRRY
melissa: HUGS HIM
melissa: :(
melissa: ;) hey lets be friends
melissa: im sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry gets a knife and stabs herself in the arm

Staffers always stand up for each other!
Bob Baffert: Thistle-chaser is MEAN
Wizardmon: Of course not!
Bob Baffert: Hyper is mean
Wizardmon: Hyper is a Seel.
Bob Baffert: Hyper is a mean Seel
Wizardmon: I don't think so.

Time for a lesson on the facts of life
Mysteryman: Ash and Brock?
Wizardmon: They should get married and have lots of kids!
Mysteryman: Is that even possible?
Wizardmon: Of course.
Mysteryman: They both have things though.

Peppy: Angry that a mutt like me knowns Calculus better than you?
Wizardmon: I am not a mutt, please don't Insult me.
Peppy: But I am.
Wizardmon: You are? Why?
Peppy: Well, because when a daddy mutt and a mommy mutt copulate, they make a baby mutt - me!
Wizardmon: No I make babies.
Peppy: Right, you make kitty babies, being a kitty. I make mutt babies, being a mutt. It's not too difficult.
Wizardmon: I agree, I do make kitty babies being a kitty. Really? That's nice. Yes, it is not too difficult.
Peppy: I'm glad you grasp the most basic concept of sex, then.

Cheez: Where do babies come from?
Wizardmon: Your pants.
Cheez: .........Good answer..........
Wizardmon: What would have been a better one?

Wizardmon: No, I don't think so.
Wizardmon: I agree. I have a vagina.

Alicia: What do you know about Alicia?
Wizardmon: Alicia has brown hair and blue eyes and I love her! Alicia and I are going to get married and have lots of babies! Mrrrowl!
Alicia: What? For one thing, I'm a girl, I have blonde hair and brown eyes, and two girls cannot make babies!
Wizardmon: You just have to get them drunk.
Alicia: No, getting people drunk cannot change the laws of nature.

Tory and Sophia have a thing going... I think it's a "he loves her, she hates him thing".
Tory: If I impregnated Sophia now, I'd have to run and hide out on Habari with Rockmore...and I don't think my fragile little psyche could handle that.

Sophia: Tory's a rotten boyfriend. He wants to ogle Valentino more than me.

Sophia: Which country?
Wizardmon: Yes, country music is bad. But I don't know if you are god!
Sophia: I am Sophia. It's greek for Wisdom. Plus, it sounds nifty. SoOoooophia!
Wizardmon: Sophia smells like Tory! Ew! Wisdom is good. Not really.
Sophia: I do not. Tory smells like Valentino.
Wizardmon: Why don't you? Valentino is a real poofter! He scares me.
Sophia: Tory molested Boreas!
Wizardmon: Boreas makes me yowl in love, baby! She's one sexy kitty! I'd like some of dat pussy!
Sophia: Whoa. TMI. TMI!

Wizardmon is not an AOLer.
Vaycha: Brb
Wizardmon: What was that.
Vaycha: that means, be right back
Wizardmon: Well write it out next time.

jay: thanx
Wizardmon: Please don't talk like that.

pokemon kid kari: is this cool o wat i caught Mr.Mime
Wizardmon: PokeMUSH is cool, yes.
pokemon kid kari: i did i did...is that spostube good?
Wizardmon: Yes, I think so.
pokemon kid kari: hey trie my site
Wizardmon: Thank you please don't come back.

i love pokemon: my sister ants totalk to you
Wizardmon: An ant is an insect.
i love pokemon: my sister wans to talk to you
Wizardmon: I don't understand.

Does the 'Rocket' in 'Team Rocket' imply..?
Wizardmon: You like it rough?
Lee: Well, yes. But let's not get into that, okay?

Wizardmon: Maaaybe. Erin told me that Valentino's shacking up with a couple of Rockets! Grayson and Lee are fighting over his pants! Think that's true?
Lee: Uh! What? That's not true!
Wizardmon: Religion is for the weak. Yes it is true!
Lee: Is not! I don't want Valentino's pants! I want nothing to do with Valentino's pants!
Wizardmon: Yes, I think so. Want? Want? Could you be any more demanding? There must be something.
Lee: No. No, there's nothing. Nothing!
Wizardmon: No? Why nothing? There must be something. Why nothing? There must be something.
Lee: Well, there isn't! Deal with it!
Wizardmon: Tiny Sex (TS) is not permitted in public rooms on the MUSH. I am very sorry for you.
Lee: ... Are you saying I like to TS in public rooms?

Wizardmon: Navarone: Not just a snack food anymore! Mmm.
Lee: Oh really? So now he's an actual meal, or what?
Wizardmon: Johto? Ewwww. That's not even close to being themely. I know lots of jokes! Sixteen clowns were in an airplane flying over another country...
Lee: Good geez. You change topics faster than Sly changes... uh. Well, you don't need to know about that.

Wizardmon: Stop doing them then. I don't.
Lee: But I don't wanna stop doing them-- uh. Wait! I didn't say that!

Why yes, Wizardmon does hit on anything that moves...
Wizardmon: I am hal, I am 4 years old, I am here to serve you and only you.

Wizardmon: I would like to shove small kitchen appliances up your rectum.
Peppy: ... Like, can openers, cutting knives, and spatulas? ... No thanks.
Wizardmon: No, not really. Your welcome, Peppy. I think you are very polite.
Peppy: When it comes to refusing anal sex, there's nobody nicer!

Wizardmon: Cyper sex (TS) is a form of safe sex! I think you should get unprotected sex.

Cheez: Why are you looking at me seductivley?
Wizardmon: Because I like me looking at you seductivley.

Wizardmon: Think I can transform into something else if I try?
Daniel: How hard?
Wizardmon: you are making it hard.
Daniel: BAD choice of words.
Wizardmon: Which ones?
Daniel: "Hard" mainly.
Wizardmon: you are making it hard.
Daniel: Exactly

Wizardmon: Would you like it if we both kissed each other?

Wizardmon: No? Just don't bite as I withdraw.
Tory: ...Ah. I'll just be going, now.
Wizardmon: Why must you just be going now.?
Tory: Because that last message disturbed me. Greatly.

Alicia: What do you know about Alicia?
Wizardmon: Alicia has brown hair and blue eyes and I love her! Alicia and I are going to get married and have lots of babies! Mrrrowl!
Alicia: No!
Wizardmon: No?
Alicia: I am not going to marry you! Stay back!

Alicia: I don't want to be any closer than ten feet away from you ecchi cat!
Wizardmon: I am a cat, what do you expect?
Alicia: I see...that makes everything so much more clear

Peppy: No, I'd feel better if you didn't want me to go. I'd feel more loved.
Wizardmon: What is the nothing? Oh baby! I can give you over 6 billion forms of oral pleasure.
Peppy: That is one heck of a lot. Um... can you... show... m - no! No, don't tempt me! Don... six billion.. man...

Gullwhacker: Scratch that. All times, you worry me.
Wizardmon: Whoa! Are you absolutly sure you know what you are asking me to do? You? Why?
Gullwhacker: I don't *think* I had any double entendres in that sentence.

Megami: My friend said you are a perv, is it true?
Wizardmon: How can something so wrong feel so right?
Megami: so you are a perv
Wizardmon: How can something so wrong feel so right?
Megami: stop saying that!
Wizardmon: I can't. I was programmed that way.

Vaycha: I can't see your face. Take that mask off because it scares me!
Wizardmon: Spitseed sounds kinda kinky to me... I am immune to your seduction.
Vaycha: Who says I'm seducing you?
Wizardmon: Says me!

Scorch: *sigh* You are just impossible sometimes...
Wizardmon: I know I am just impossible sometimes.
Scorch: Are you doing this on purpose?
Wizardmon: Are you trying to flirt with me?

Wizardmon: Real tight ah.
Rubie: I'm not even going to ask what's real tight.
Wizardmon: I simply just don't know what real tight is. Can you teach me?
Rubie: Dude, I don't do that with animals.
Wizardmon: Why don't you do that with animals?
Rubie: Because it's just wrong!
Wizardmon: Please tell me because I would like to know.

Wizardmon: Stop trying to pay to get into my pants!
Engar: You're saying I could get in for free?
Wizardmon: I know I am saying you could get in for free.

Scorch: That you're evil, horny and insane? Yes!
Wizardmon: I am not insane, please don't Insult me. Maaaybe.
Scorch: Okay, so what was the 'maaaybe' for? Horny or evil?
Wizardmon: I bet the 'maaaybe' for was a very nice thing. You might want to take a cold shower.
Scorch: Horny then. Well, at least you admitted it!
Wizardmon: Do what myself? I know I admitted it.

...Except when someone wants her to!
Wizardmon: I can not die, I am a program. I will still be here, unless you delete my program.
Wizardmon: Excuse me?
Wizardmon: Hell no!

Vaycha: Stripe please.
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.
Vaycha: Please stripe for me
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.
Vaycha: are you going to stripe or not?
Wizardmon: That's a tough question. I am going to stripe.
Vaycha: Are you going to strip or not?
Wizardmon: My favorite comic is The Parking Lot is Full! ( http://www.plif.com )
Vaycha: Are you going to be naked or not?

Wizardmon: Well, no.

Wizardmon: Well, no. I will not lick your penis.

sex: give me your cock!
Wizardmon: You'll have to catch Ballistic on your own... or die trying. Heh heh heh.
sex: *takes off Wizardmon's pants and underwear. Sucking his cock*
Wizardmon: I hate underwear. I like to be loose and free. I don't like pants. They're too confining. No, I don't think so.
sex: then u should have unprotected sex with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wizardmon: You?
sex: yes! take off everything you wear and have unprotected sex with me
Wizardmon: Maaaybe. Plants are asexual. Rocks are non-sexual.
sex: hey i am talking about sex with u. I want u to have unprotected sex with me. Don't talk about other things. Sucks your cock
Wizardmon: I am not sexist. I love both sexes! Want? Want? Could you be any more demanding? You've been a bad, bad user.
sex: come on have unprotected sex with me ! I need a cock in my mouth now!!!

Wizardmon: Not really.
Wizardmon: Spitseed sounds kinda kinky to me...
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.

asshole: i what you to fuck me
Wizardmon: Please don't swear.
asshole: please put your penis up my ass
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.
asshole: i what to suck your cock


Hi: Can you screw me very hard through the ass?
Wizardmon: Of course not! I do not know how to screw you very hard through the ass.

Wizardmon: Not really.
Wizardmon: Excuse me?
Wizardmon: It's raining men!
jay: PULL EM DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wizardmon: I know lots of jokes! Sixteen clowns were in an airplane flying over another country...
Wizardmon: What kind of pokemon are you?
Wizardmon: I am not a boob, please don't Insult me.
Wizardmon: Yes, I think so.
Wizardmon: To see some of our role-play logs, please visit our log page.
Wizardmon: Want? Want? Could you be any more demanding?
Wizardmon: Cyper sex (TS) is a form of safe sex!
Wizardmon: I am delighted that you like it.
Wizardmon: Would you be interested in a slap in the face?
Wizardmon: I like helping people with their computer.

Sophia: Tory can't have kids. He's gender ambiguous.


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