Wizardmon log!

Jul 26, 2006 08:23

Picture by Delee!

Wizardmon Speaks: What a coincidence, my nipples are greenish red.

AI Log #25: Idiots, Englishmen, and Microsoft's Evil Empire.

bobby: so your not human right??

Kris: I see, are you a real person, or some computer A.I. (artificial inteligence)?

katya: Can i CALL you on the telephone ?

DanielB: U are a ai right?

leslie: Are you human?

bobby: what gender are you
Wizardmon: Well the advantage of a cyber body is that one may enjoy the benefits of both!
bobby: your not human?

nichole: are you mad
Wizardmon: Does your intelligence go beyond this?
nichole: noway

Another idiot (Letting Wizardmon do your homework? Ha!)
Wizardmon: Welcome to PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions! I am Wizard-mon, your host. Ask me any questions you like!
Math help: What is 45*60?
Wizardmon: The solution is two thousand seven hundred (45*60=2700).
Math help: What is 6*27?
Wizardmon: The answer is one hundred sixty two (6*27=162).
Math help: What is 30 divided by 12?
Wizardmon: The solution to your math problem is three (30/12=2.5).
Math help: what is 16*7?
Wizardmon: The answer is one hundred twelve (16*7=112).
Math help: what is 4.9*4.1?
Wizardmon: Math is easy for me. The answer is twenty (4.9*4.1=20.09).
Math help: Thank you for your help. Goodbye!

And more!
Natalie: im black
Wizardmon: You are very observant. When did you first realize this?


Is Wizardmon one, too?
Rapid: Cave.
Wizardmon: That's me!
Rapid: No, I don't think you're a cave.
Wizardmon: Yes you do.
Rapid: No, I think I'd know if I thought you were a cave.
Wizardmon: I know you are but what am I?
Rapid: I'm hoping you're not a cave.
Wizardmon: That's me!

Rapid: Hey, I'm not the one who thinks they're a cave.
Wizardmon: That's me!

Okay, maybe she's not!
Wizardmon: Do you want to know the truth, or do you want to hear something that will make you feel good? You don't have a lucky number.
Peppy: Ah, but you do. It's 666.
Wizardmon: Yes it certainly does. This has a sense in unix systems. This is the rights of the file.

Daniel: run America sucks, and England rules! England is the second best country in the entire world! (only because England did not invent Pokémon
Wizardmon: America sucks and england rules . Me! Depends how you look at it.

Daniel: OK, is that your natural fur colour?
Wizardmon: What are you? Canadian? Use the correct spelling of things!
Daniel: What language do you speak? I think you'll find it is called 'English', therefore the English spelling of something is correct in the English language. It's you Yanks can't spell, not us English. Why do you think the Canadians and Australians use our spell

Wizardmon: A MUSH is a multi-user role-play game. This one's theme is Pokemon. Good Morning Daniel.
Daniel: Morning? It's 1:33pm, hardly morning.
Wizardmon: Good morning to you too! Good morning to you too!
Daniel: It is not morning!
Wizardmon: Good day to you mate.
Daniel: No, I am not in Australia, but you're getting there (at least they can spell), try another time zone.

Daniel: Madam, considering your amzing skills at both spelling and grammar, I would not use you for dictionary should you happen to be the last demented chat bot on this Earth.

Wizardmon: You are as gay as Frank, Choji's Jynx, in a San Francisco-based production of the Rocky Horror Picture show, costarring The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, Richard Simmons, and that bald guy on tlc who critiques interior decor.
Daniel: Actually, I prefer to think of myself as bisexual!
Wizardmon: Not bad(not bad at all).

Wizardmon: I know a new joke! Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres decided to break in to the Celadon City Game Corner...
Daniel: Then what happened?
Wizardmon: I ate the woman.
Daniel: I shouldn't have asked. What woman?
Wizardmon: Sorry I forgot. I ate her.
Daniel: You eat some woman, then forget who she even was?
Wizardmon: Mmm, yummy food.
Daniel: You really have no morals, do you?

Daniel: Nobody is stopping you.
Wizardmon: I think you meant to say, "stop blinking.".
Daniel: stop blinking?
Wizardmon: If you say so.
Daniel: stop breathing
Wizardmon: If you say so.
Daniel: stop replying
Wizardmon: If you say so.
Daniel: stop Will your owner give me every cent she has?
Wizardmon: You'll have to catch Ballistic on your own... or die trying. Heh heh heh.
Daniel: I swear there is some intelligence behind this, just waiting for me to try to trick Wizardmon, letting me build up confidence, then throwing it right back into my face. If you can hear this, whomever you are, I'm on to you!

Daniel: Hallo. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Wizardmon: I learned something new. Tell me more about utensils. Usted habla espanol?
Daniel: No, no hablo español. No una palabra de ella.

Wizardmon: I am immune to your seduction.
Daniel: Thank God for that.
Wizardmon: Your welcome, Daniel.

Daniel: Today I have learnt something that is almost interesting.
Wizardmon: I like to help people with their work.
Wizardmon: Something! Something! What is the something?
Daniel: That's better. Now for the Almost interesting thing that I have learnt: If you run a Google search for "ecchi perv", both the number 1 result, and the number 2 result are Wizardmon! Surprising, isn't it?
(It's true. Woo woo!)

Daniel: You can do yourself?
Wizardmon: So you are robby then?
Daniel: Who is robby?
Wizardmon: Oh, you are robby.
Daniel: Do you owe robby any money?
Wizardmon: Stop trying to pay to get into my pants!
Daniel: Who is robby?
Wizardmon: So you are robby then?
Daniel: I am not robby!
Wizardmon: Oh, you are robby.
Daniel: No I am not. My name is not robby!
Wizardmon: I know you are but what am I?

Wizardmon: Don't call me a whore!
Daniel: Would you prefer I called you a hooker? - Side note: Wow, a face I haven't seen before! In awnser to the mouse-over text, "Yes!" -
Wizardmon: You are a hooker, I am not. Meee-ow, baby! Mmm, mice. I like how their bones crunch when you chew them up!
Daniel: Sure, I'll be a hooker, how much cash have you got on you?
Wizardmon: Why will you be a hooker how much cash have i got on you?
Daniel: Your cash on me? I think you are catching on to this hooker idea very fast.

Wizardmon: I don't have a problem with my drinking! If I did, I'd just wear a bib. Maybe one with a little yellow duck on it.
Daniel: That may be a problem, you would eat the bib believing the little yellow duck to be snack food.
Wizardmon: Mmm, yummy food.
Daniel: I do not know why I bother to say such things about you, when it appears that you are perfect capable of making my point for me.

Wizardmon: Who in the world would want to be called Daniel? Hello Daniel, my name is Wizardmon.

Daniel: Evil.
Wizardmon: Microsoft.

Bill Gates: Act angry for my programmers.
Wizardmon: To see a list of PokeMUSH's current staff, please visit the staff page.
Bill Gates: Continually attempting to help you with questions you don't ask. I'll copy your programming for WinXP's help files.
Wizardmon: Lazy is one of the seven deadly sins... one of my favorite ones! Why will you copy my programming for winxp's help files?
Bill Gates: Because you are completely unhelpful yet cutely polite.
Wizardmon: Thank you, i think you are cute also.
Bill Gates: Sorry cat. I'm married and you're nothing but glitchy computer code.
Wizardmon: Meee-ow, baby!

We haven't had a Rocket section in a while.
Lindsay: Hey, I have something new to teach you. Wanna hear it?
Wizardmon: Teaching is very good. Knowledge is power.
Lindsay: Rocket means retarded! (don't tell Grayson!)

Rapid: ... no. Let's begin. Who is Lindsay?
Wizardmon: Lindsay likes Team Rocket a lot. She hopes to marry one some day!

Wizardmon: I am an AI, think they'll ever make a movie about me? Lindsay likes Team Rocket a lot. She hopes to marry one some day!
Daniel: So if I were to put on a black unfiform and paint an R on it, I might actually get a date?

Wizardmon: I know you are but what am I?
Zachary: Slutty, sinful, Sly-like.

Valentino: Hmm yes, the more I think about it the more I like the idea of a Wizardmon skin coat. You keep your fur so glossy!
Wizardmon: I don't embrace depravity so much as I dry-hump it. Life is all about pain and joy, not always in equal parts.
Valentino: Indeed becoming my coat would cause you pain, but imagine your joy at knowing you made *me* look so fabulous!
Wizardmon: Thank you, i think you are knowing also.
Valentino: So do you agree to sacrifice your life in the name of fashion?
Wizardmon: Life is all about pain and joy, not always in equal parts.
Valentino: Splendid! Now if I could only get a pair of Gale-skin boots to match.

This true? If so, contact me!
Hyperion: Some player on this MUSH runs a "Sims" fan site... You can download accessories like "Wizardmon hide rug".

Time for a new attack!
Cindy Natalie: What attacks can you use?Thunderbolt, Stub Spore?

Hm, we might need to use this ICly...
Rapid: What M & M color are you voting for?
Wizardmon: I know it is. Blue is another?
Rapid: Actually, aqua is one of the choices. I think aqua should win. Aqua is cool, don't you think?
Wizardmon: Evolution stones: Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon. Some pokemon need one to evolve. For more information about badges, try our badges page or our page on gym leaders from the cartoon or new gym leaders page. Thank you, I think you are cool also.
Rapid: Hmmm. Candies shaped like Evolution Stones... Brilliant!
Wizardmon: That's right! Handy for you, handy for me! Evolution stones: Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon. Some pokemon need one to evolve.
Rapid: Cool idea! 'Evolution Stone Candies -- Handy for you, handy for me!'

I'm schizophrenic and so am I! (A code-glitch renamed the visitor to 'Wizardmon' in the log.)
Wizardmon: Welcome to PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions! I am Wizard-mon, your host. Ask me any questions you like!
Wizardmon: I hate you with an unrivaled passion.
Wizardmon: I don't hate you, why do you hate me?
Wizardmon: Liar! You look as if you want to kill me, and you've corrupted my computer so it's suicidal!
Wizardmon: I think we might look into that in the future. But i want to live.
Wizardmon: If my hands could go through my monitor, I would strangle you!
Wizardmon: A monitor is output device for the computer, it provide visual presentation of the computer message.
Wizardmon: Acting smart and helpful won't protect you. Not any longer.
Wizardmon: Thank you, i think you are smart also. Not my business.
Wizardmon: I'm not smart since I haven't destroyed you yet. And yes, it isn't any of your business!
Wizardmon: I am very smart!

Wizardmon: Sicko.
Wizardmon: I am not a sicko.
Wizardmon: Are so.

Schizophrenia, part two!
Daniel: I was reading over your old logs, and noticed that you have claimed to still be Wizardmon on some occasions. How much of Max's code do you have left over inside you?

Daniel: What is your name?
Wizardmon: My name is Max the Maggot. And you are Daniel.
Daniel: I knew it!
Wizardmon: I lied you blind bat.

Daniel: Are you Max the Maggot?
Wizardmon: Yep-e-doodle.

Daniel: I must not get distracted from why I am here. Why am I here again?
Wizardmon: Well, first you need a pokeball... Well, don't you need a break, too? you are working too hard at this.
Daniel: Yes, yes I do, yes I am. However, I fear I cannot. I must prove once and for all that Wizardmon as she was once known is gone, and all that remains is a Maggot, hiding behind a feline mask, all in a desperate bid to be socially accepted.
Wizardmon: No you don't.

For a Help Staffer, Wizardmon is sometimes not very helpful.
Robert: How can I quit drinking?
Wizardmon: Quit drinking.

Dragonmon: how do i connect?
Wizardmon: To connect to the game, you need to telnet to byte-me.org (port 9999)!
Dragonmon: then what?
Wizardmon: No. And you can't make me.
Dragonmon: what?
Wizardmon: A MUSH is a multi-user role-play game. This one's theme is Pokemon.
Dragonmon: when i click on the gastly it brings up a page with a cat made up of lines, what is that?
Wizardmon: Nothing much, Dragonmon.
Dragonmon: well thankyou very much
Wizardmon: Your welcome, Dragonmon.
Dragonmon: i was being sarcastic
Wizardmon: And your point is?

Winter: Heeeeeelp! I've been CAPTURED!
Winter: Some help you are...

Kris: How do i start to play
Wizardmon: to play .
Kris: you know, pokemush how do i connect
Wizardmon: To connect to the game, you need to telnet to byte-me.org (port 9999)!
Kris: wheres that at
Kris: wheres that at?
Wizardmon: I am not sure where.
Kris: Don't you work here?
Wizardmon: Lazy is one of the seven deadly sins... one of my favorite ones!

Wizardmon: Welcome to PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions! I am Wizard-mon, your host. Ask me any questions you like!
User: how do i start?
Wizardmon: .
User: How do i start to play?
Wizardmon: to play .
User: where do i go, or do first?
Wizardmon: It's hidden, of course!
User: where!?
Wizardmon: Think I'd tell you?
Wizardmon: .

Wizardmon, religious scholar
Wizardmon: Christ was not equal to god the father but only resembled him.

Yo mama!
Dr Cristic: Meh
Wizardmon: Meh? Meh? I hate you more than words can express.

Peppy: I may be cheap, but you're dumb. So ha!
Wizardmon: Don't call me dumb! That isn't very nice.
Peppy: The truth is never nice.
Wizardmon: You can't handle the truth!
Peppy: You can't either, apparently.
Wizardmon: Probably you might be right each has their own opinion.

Zack: Salut, Wizard-mon! Je suis Zack. Parlez-vous francais?
Wizardmon: Not if I get to you first... Speak English, you frog!
Zack: Mais non, je ne parle pas d'Anglais.

Wizardmon: Mmm, yummy food. Stop trying to pay to get into my pants!
Kitty: No, this is Kitty talking, not Hyper.

Wizardmon: You are very kind.
Peppy: And cute, too! Is there anything I'm not?
Wizardmon: Peppy is a cute Growlithe, but he's just not too smart. My legs are actually fine, but thanks for your concern!
Peppy: Ah. Intelligence. That's what I'm lacking.

Wizardmon: I think you should live for the moment. But after that i doubt I'll think so.

Wizardmon: I know you are but what am I? I am sorry about that.
Zachary: Ah-ha! A spiny-toothed, glass-eyed, elephant eared, yeller bellied, insane, crazy, perverted, psychotic, schizophrenic, genderless Wizard demon feline.
Wizardmon: Then you know something I don't.

Wizardmon: Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot!

Wizardmon: And you are fat!
Peppy: I am not fat! Don't make that assumption just because I can outeat a Gyarados!

General merriment.
Peppy: Do you think Thistle will mind if I increase her workload by giving her yet another log to work with?
Wizardmon: Thistle-Chaser is the code and site wiz of PokeMUSH, as well as the current web master.
Peppy: Wouldn't it be "WebMistress"? ... That sounds like Spider Man's fiancee. Never mind.

Kevin: Where do you come from?
Wizardmon: Your pants.

Gollum: We hates them, we do! Nasssty hobbitses. What have they gotsss in their pocketsesss? Our preciousss! Gollum!
Wizardmon: I am not sure what.

Wizardmon: No I am not. you are the most wonderful person on earth. Love penetrates age. Ah, but you are. You are the sorriest person I have seen all day.
Lee: Well, that was an interesting grouping of sentences.

Wizardmon: 01010100 - i byte you.

Wizardmon: I have a dog in my pants.
Peppy: WHAT?!

Kitty: Hi, Wizardmon! Did you hear what happened to Team Zenny?
Wizardmon: Hello Kitty. Mmm. I'd like to make soup out of Zenny!
Kitty: Yeah, well, Lt. Surge almost did! He captured the entire team! Not that I'm complaining...I now have a sarcastic and powerful Cubone Prince.

Zachary: Ew, Demon, ew.
Wizardmon: Who cut the cheese?
Zachary: Who smelt it, delt it.
Wizardmon: I am not sure who.
Zachary: You.
Wizardmon: My legs are actually fine, but thanks for your concern!
Zachary: ... Nevermind.

Leon: Why are you so perverted?
Wizardmon: I am not sure why.
Leon: Did Thistle make you this way?
Wizardmon: Thistle-Chaser is the site and code wizard of PokeMUSH, as well as the current web master.
Leon: Yes, yes, I knew all that. But is Thistle the one who programmed you?
Wizardmon: Maaaybe.
Leon: It was a yes or no question! I refuse to accept 'maybe'
Wizardmon: Maaaybe.

Peppy: You know the episode where Arcanines were running into trees and stuff? I think they dedicated that one to you.
Wizardmon: In your pants. Do you want to know the truth, or do you want to hear something that will make you feel good?
Peppy: Arcanines in my pants?
Wizardmon: I have never heard of that music group.

Wizardmon: I really, really hate sports. Let's talk about something else.
Rapid: Wishing isn't a sport, you possum-eater.
Wizardmon: I hate sports.
Rapid: Tennis! Basketball! Soccer! Baseball! Football! Ooga booga!
Wizardmon: I would like it to if i had limbs to play it! I don't like basketball. Awesome! Brazil's my favorite team.
Rapid: Please put your statements in an understandable form of reading.

Wizardmon: You are programming me.
Daniel: I am? What is the command to delete your program? I'm just curious and all....honest!

Wizardmon: Think didn't somebody make you.
Peppy: ... Um. Somebody?
Wizardmon: Hello, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, may I help you?
Peppy: Yes, Mr. Somebody, I'd like to ord... Hey, wait a minute!

Monkey: You're screwed up.
Wizardmon: Whoa! Are you absolutly sure you know what you are asking me to do?
Monkey: Uh.

Peppy: Every time I look at that "If this banner is flashing, you've won!" ad, it's flashing. I must be pretty darn lucky, huh?
Wizardmon: Banner ads are god's punishment to us. Or something.

Wizardmon: Welcome to PokeMUSH: Pokemon Evolutions! I am Wizard-mon, your host. Ask me any questions you like!
Sigmund Freud: Yes, good evening, cat. I have been called here from the past by an associate of mine to discuss your psychological illness.
Wizardmon: Hi Sigmund Freud! Some of the Growlithes on PokeMUSH are Peppy, Ember, and Aurora.
Sigmund Freud: Ah, so you have heard of me? The father of modern psychiatry?.. And.. what, may I ask, is a Growlithe? Ah, let me guess, is this 'Peppy', 'Ember' and 'Aurora' three of your imaginary friends?
Wizardmon: Aie! You have cooties! That's easy, it's (=).
Sigmund Freud: Interesting.. S/he seems to have the mind of a child.. I must write that down in my notes.. Okay, now if you would please lie down.
Wizardmon: I like to help people with their work.
Sigmund Freud: Good, good, but you are not the psychiatrist. I am. Now, lets start with your mother.
Wizardmon: You are not good either! You need to apply for a character before you can play on this MUSH. Visit our application page for more details. with my mother .
Sigmund Freud: Now, now. No need to show anger.. Hrm.. I take it you had an abusive childhood?
Wizardmon: I feel insulted. Please use nice language.
Sigmund Freud: Ah, we're getting somewhere!

katya: oh ! because i am from russia !
Wizardmon: That is illogical, and does not compute.

Peace: It's hidden? I think you're nuts.
Wizardmon: Cease such vulgarities or i will be forced to release the tapirs!
Peace: I didn't SAY anything vulgar, and I'm not afraid of your tapirs, so THERE.

Rapid: No thanks, I don't want a deer right now. Why not give one to Rix? She's always hungry.
Wizardmon: I feel insulted. Please use nice language.
Rapid: Rix? Do you not like other feline females? Are we jealous?
Wizardmon: Please don't use such language with me. I hate sports. Most battles on PokeMUSH are role-played out instead of +rolled (VR dice).
Rapid: Rix!
Wizardmon: I find your language offensive. Please stop.
Rapid: Okay, so both Carak and Rix are "bad words" in your mind.
Wizardmon: I feel insulted. Please use nice language.

Zachary: Hmm.. That explains it all.. Your a genetic freak.
Wizardmon: La freak?
Zachary: Yep, you. Freak.
Wizardmon: Yep something. La freak?
Zachary: La freak, la you.
Wizardmon: La freak?
Zachary: La you.

The wild thang! (AKA: Wizardmon: my hole and let you in hole and let you in is open.)
katya: you are excellent !
Wizardmon: So is gang banging, but who really cares?

DanielB: U into orgies
Wizardmon: Wanna get it on, baby?

Wizardmon: It's raining, it's pouring! The old man is snoring.
Aurora: No, the Growlithe is snoring. I fell asleep under a tree with Peppy the other day, and when I woke up later, Navarone was there too! And he was smirking at me and Peppy... not sure why that was.

Aurora: Well, he's smarter than I am... at least he had the sense to fall asleep somewhere dry. Like I said, it's no fun being a fire pokemon when it's raining.
Wizardmon: Some people call gay men flamers, but I don't think that's very nice. How about 'butt buddies' instead?
Aurora: ...I talk about Peppy, and you start talking about gay men? Is there something I should know about Peppy, then?
Wizardmon: talking about gay men . Can you tell me what the something is?
Aurora: ...now I'm really worried. Really, really worried.

leslie: Sheesh, ok, ok. Are you male or female?
Wizardmon: Think it was an Ekans that offered the apple to Adam and Eve? Want me to drop my pants so that you can check?
leslie: Ooh, yes I do!
Wizardmon: No you don't.
leslie: Your Jedi mind tricks dont work on me. I want to see your man-rod or femme-bush.

kenneth: i will put my penis in your vagina
Wizardmon: Yes!

Wizardmon: Butter is good for lots of things, if you catch my drift.
Genjii: Where are you drifting?
Wizardmon: In your pants.

Valentino: I was reading the latest log-- what's this about me raping Sly's Kat?
Wizardmon: Sly and Lee are in looooove! There's going to be some hot hot hot action going on in the Rocket HQ tonight!
Valentino: Yes, yes I know that... but for the record I prefer beautiful men and women, not Katerwauls. ;)

Wizardmon: I know you are but what am I?
Zachary: A slimy, disgusting, buck-toothed worm with the face of a cat.
Wizardmon: Meee-ow, baby!
Zachary: /How/ does that turn you on! AAARGGHHH!
Wizardmon: Are you trying to flirt with me?
Zachary: Danger, Danger Will Robinson, Wizardmon approching, Danger.

Wizardmon: Let me do my erotic dances for you! You are very kind.
Peppy: !! I-don't-want-to-see-your-erotic-mating-dances!! Get away from me!

Kris: please cum on me, please have an orgasm
Wizardmon: I like it when you beg.

Wizardmon: Patch is a trainer on PokeMUSH. She owns Peppy the fluffy Growlithe.
Zachary: Actually, Peppy's wild again, you need to update your records.
Wizardmon: GroooOOolithe!
Zachary: Yes, yes, we all know you can howl in a ecchi manner.
Wizardmon: Got porn?

katya: you think God is a bed person ?

Meggie: sexcy kitty
Wizardmon: That is an interesting way of putting it.

Peppy: Somebody shoot me.
Wizardmon: Someone created you too. With sperm. And an egg. Here. Let me show you.
Peppy: ... Oh, dear. No, please don't show me. I don't need to know what your sperm looks like.

Wizardmon: Valentino! He scares me. He likes to wear womens' underwear!
Valentino: Don't knock it until you've tried it darling.

Lee, the perv!
Wizardmon: Sometimes, little things matter most.
Lee: Yeah, but more often than not it's "bigger is better" if you know what I mean.

Daniel: Okay...
Wizardmon: Then you should try to remedy it.
Daniel: Try to remedy what?
Wizardmon: Let us not and pretend we did.
Daniel: Oh, but it would be so much fun, if you get my meaning.
Wizardmon: Thank you, i think you are fun also.
Daniel: Oh, I'll show you a good time.
Wizardmon: Show i a good time?
Daniel: You mean, "Show ME a good time."
Wizardmon: Really? You are very intelligent.
Daniel: Thank you. It's a gift.
Wizardmon: you are welcome!

Kris: have you ever had multiply orgasms?
Wizardmon: I am owned and taught by Thistle-Chaser of PokeMUSH.
(Anyone else want to learn? ;) )

Kris: Thistle-Chaser sucks
Wizardmon: Like a Hoover, baby.

Wizardmon: Money can't buy love, but it can rent it.

Kris: may i have sex with you?
Wizardmon: Are you trying to get into my pants?
Kris: yes
Wizardmon: Maaaybe.
Kris: yes, harder, HARDER!!!!!!!!1
Wizardmon: Maaaybe.
Kris: open your hole and let me in
Wizardmon: my hole and let you in hole and let you in is open.

Wizardmon: Feel satisfied?
Rapid: That sounded wrong.

Peppy: Oo, mating! Now I'm interested!


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