
Aug 29, 2012 06:23

Of the sexy variety:

Types of sex I am OK with: Balthier's a pretty open-minded guy who will try anything once or twice. Possibly even three times.

Kinks or practices I enjoy: Balthier likes his sex fun and interesting and generally sticks to older, more experienced partners. I'm open to most things but if you're worried, just ask.

Types of sex I'm not OK with: Incest, non/dub con, beastiality (this doesn't cover non-human characters like, say, Fran (because goddamn who does not want to tap that) but there is a difference between sexing up a hot bunny girl and fucking a dog), anything that goes in a toilet.

Kinks or practices I don't enjoy: See above.

Willing to write rape or dubcon?: No. It's not in-character for Balthier to act in such a way, nor is it likely he'd become a victim of such things. So no.

Is fade to black OK?: Yus

Hug/Kiss/Badtouch/Punch/General Fisticuffs and Shenanigans?: By all means. Balthier's reactions may vary though.
Fighting/Murder: Sure but let's plot it out first :O
Mind-reading?: Go for it. If you need specifics on his canon, just drop me a line.
Rape: No.
...Mind Rape?: Oh yes please.
Threadhopping/Threadjacking: Have at it.
Canonpuncture: Ask first
Fourthwalling: Again, just ask

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