Summer Plans

May 11, 2007 10:24

With all of my finals finished, and in order to avoid thinking about my current lack of sources of money for rent, I will write a list of my summer plans:

1) Learn cuneiform. While I make some minor forays into learning Akkadian, Sumerian, and the random other languages that use cuneiform as a writting system, this summer I will be focusing on the writing system in particular. It should be fun.

2) Organize the Hillel's library. The Hillel is the center for Jewish life on campus, and has been at BU for a rediculously large amount of time, and has accumulated a good selection of books. Unfortunately, the books are completely unorganized, and are entirely uncatologued. Since I'll be in Boston for most of the summer, I will try to rectify this.

3) Somehow find a legal source of money for rent. Boston is a big city, and this should not be horrible difficult...I hope.

4) Spend time with people so that I don't lose the ability to communicate as happened last summer.
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