(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 17:32

I'm posting this for my brother, who doesn't have a Livejournal but loves Fire Emblem almost as much as I do. And I'm the mod, so I can. >o

Name: Timmy.
Nicknames: Meork / Marshmallow Fruitloop.
Age: 16.
Zodiac sign: Leo.

Likes: Video games, cats, humor.
Strong points: Loyalty and a decent sence of humor (obviously by likes).
Hobbies/talents: Playing two player video games by myself, reading stupid humor books.
Dislikes: People who can't take a hint / accept that they lost an arguement, people who try to tell me what I should like... and spiders...
Weak points: Spelling, short tempered, quiet, stupid, narrow-minded in some senses, physically weak, low confidence (in myself and others).
Pet peeves: When people are inconsistent in things like surveys (like me).

Favorite color: Purple, dark green.
Favorite animal: Umm... Cats?
Favorite FE character (and why): Legault because he's very useful, very strong when upgraded, smart but funny, and of course sexy.
Favorite FE class: Falcoknight.

Introverted/Extroverted: Mostly extroverted.
Leader/Follower: Follower.
Optimist/Pessimist: Generally optimist, but have recently been more pessimistic.
Mature/Immature: Definitely immature.
Hyper/Calm: When comfortable, very hyper.
Strength/Intellect: Intellect.
Weapons/Magic: Weapons.

How important to you is family: A lot more important than I often show.
How important to you are friends: Don't have many, but the ones I have are very important to me.
Which game(s) do you want to be stamped in? 7, 8, 9.

Pictures (if available):

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