Mar 31, 2008 15:12
Here are some ideas I've come up with for specific scenes. Throughout the whole thing, there will be a notecard written with Male? Female? Or (Fe)male? near each object to give the viewer some direction as to what's going on. I'm using a ball and a box throughout several of them, but I want to rotate the ball/box scenes with other object scenes:
1. Introduction is me writing in stop motion: (Fe)male?
2. Box encloses the ball, and then the ball attempts to penetrate the box, but shies away. Ball will also roll away from box as the box makes several attempts (this is the males=sex crazed stereotype)
3. Easter chick (female) and little pig (male): pig looks in mirror and admires himself, little chick interacts, he ignores her and/or pushes her away, and then chick walks away (male as egotistical?)
4. Ball/box/microwave: Box takes a piece of bread into the microwave, ball takes it back out (breadwinner senario)
5. Male shoes v. female shoes: male shoes walk up a ladder and find a sandwich at the top, female shoes walk halfway up the ladder and get half a piece of bread (further exploration of the breadwinner senario)
6. Ball/box/marbles/dice: Ball gathers in and is nice to dice and marbles, box keeps turning away from them and then eventually pushes them away (female as homemaker- marbles and dice represent children in this case)
7. Marbles/dice: Marbles (female) have some indication that they're angry (maybe another notecard in the beginning) and then circle and circle one another, never really confronting, dice ram into each other and fight (females as weak and males as agressive)
8. Box/ball/magazines: Box circles around a sci-fi/computer magazine as pages turn, then ball circles a fashion magazine as pages turn
That's all I have so far. I still need to come up with ideas to illustrate the other sterotypes/roles. My original proposal was to create a project that personified women specifically in objects, but I'm finding that exploring both male and female is more interesting.
Please see previous posts/comments for the lists of stereotypes and objects I foresee using.