Aug 18, 2008 17:50

Whoops, sorry for the lateness! Thank you so_vayne for doing such an awesome job for me when I was gone :)

This is Week 48, and the two themes this week are Foreign Language and Provided Textures.

Foreign Language
If you choose to do this theme, your icon must have text that is in a language besides English. It can be Japanese, Chinese, French, Swahili, whatever you want. This should be fairly understandable, but if you have any doubts, just let me know.
When submitting your icon, please note the language your text is in and provide a translation.

Provided Textures
If you choose to do this theme, you must use one or more of the textures provided here:

lookslikerain, piemin, notsostrange, sinhathecat, cielo_gris

You may not use any other textures if you choose to do this theme. You can rotate, move and resize the textures, as long as one or more of them are visible!

If you have any questions about the validity of either of your submissions or any general questions about the themes, please leave them here.

Remember you may submit up to TWO icons and you may use any combination of themes you wish - two icons, one from each theme; two icons from one theme; or icons combining the two themes are all acceptable.

1. Your icon must include an image from one of the Fire Emblem games.
2. You can use official art, TCG/book scans, etc. Fanart is allowed, but please ask permission and credit the fanartist.
3. You can submit up to a maximum of 2 icons each week. You may submit any combination of themes (ie, two icons from one theme or one icon from each theme are both allowed.)
4. Your icon must be made by YOU. Don't copy tutorials.
5. Make sure your icon fits LJ standards (100x100 or less, 40kb or
less, in GIF, JPG or PNG format).
6. Don't advertise your icon before the winners are announced! This will warrant an automatic disqualification. Please don't cross-submit your icon to different icontests.
7. If you need to re-submit your icon, please just make a new comment - don't delete or edit your old post.

Follow this format when submitting:

Character/Game: Lucius, FE7
Type Of Art (Official, Book scan, TCG, manga etc.): Official

Submissions will close Saturday, August 25, at 10:00 PM PST. Possibly later since I posted this late OTL

Also, please VOTE if you haven't already!

week 48

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