Challenge 002 Frayed

Feb 05, 2010 22:01

Title: Frayed
Game: FE8
Word Count: 4251
Characters/Pairing: mainly Seth/Eirika with other pairings and characters making appearances


'...The greatest pain is pretending I don't love you, watching him court you, watching you pretend.

'I have taken wounds in battle and bourn them bravely but this... I must stand like a fool and a coward and watch without even the chance to fight for what is precious to me. Especially now. I had thought that we were safe, that you were mine, that finally none could part us. And now I fear again to lose you.

'How much longer must we endure this?'


Ink still stained Seth's fingers from the letter he'd written by candlelight when the pangs of jealously and resentment and anger had gnawed at him, keeping him awake late into the night. His hand, so steady in battle, had faltered, the ink blotting his page and his hands. He had left the note, sealed with wax, with Lord Ephraim who would have delivered it to Eirika this morning. Even now, he could picture her drawn features as she read it. Perhaps her suitor did not notice the ashen hue of her skin, the dark circles beneath her eyes that spoke of sleepless nights, but Seth did. These weeks had left them both as pale and frayed as a beggar's cloak.

The hunting party was already assembled in the courtyard ahead of him. Eirika defied tradition and sported riding breeches and sword at her hip. Since the war, she had increasingly avoided the flowing gowns that made up a princess's normal attire. She had confessed to him that when she could not carry a sword, she always hid a dagger in her skirts. She said she no longer felt quite safe without a weapon at hand, even here in the castle.

"You'd better hurry and get ready, Seth," Ephraim said, clapping him on the back. "It's nearly time to go." But that casual touch became a firm grasp on his shoulder, offering unspoken encouragement.

"Yes, my lord."

Across the hall, Eirika turned and saw them there. Her eyes lingered not on her brother but on Seth, and his chest clenched at the gulf that now separated them.

Abruptly, Eirika broke the gaze that had bound them for an instant as footfalls echoed through the chamber and Prince Innes crossed the room with long strides and came to stand between them.

Bow in hand and a quiver slung over his shoulders, Innes looked ready to hunt. Seth had fought by his side during the war, taken his counsel is matters of tactics, watched him duel Ephraim with cutting words instead of swords. Yet never until now had Seth hated him.

"Let's go," Ephraim said through gritted teeth. "We've some riding to do."


After yesterday's rainfall, the air smelled of wet leaves and earth. The horses' hooves splashed through puddles and mud, and Seth could only imagine that the grooms would have their work cut out for them this evening. Ephraim and Innes took the lead in the hunt, their horses following close as the hounds tried to pick up the scent of deer. Innes's retinue of knights, including several familiar faces from the war, kept close by him. Kyle and Forde remained by Ephraim's side as always and Tana, too, kept close to her betrothed.

Seth had offered to hang back and keep watch on the train of ladies who preferred to enjoy the event as a leisurely afternoon ride. Eirika had excused herself from the hunting party to remain with the women. When Innes has asked her to join him, she had announced that she took no pleasure from watching some poor beast be slain by men on horseback. Drawing himself up very stiffly in his saddle, he had replied with a stately, "As you wish, princess."

For a time Eirika talked with the women of the group and Seth watched the wind tousle her long hair.

Since Inness and Tana's arrival, the seating arrangements at dinner had been altered. Innes was seated across from Eirika and Seth to her right, though only weeks before Seth had sat where Innes now did. Eirika had had to spend last night's meal making idle chatter with the prince while Seth had remained in stony silence next to her. But she had risked everything and reached for his hand beneath the table, clutching it in hers until the servants had come to clear their plates for the next course. The worst had been afterward when there had been dancing. He had spent an hour watching the prince grasp her hand so casually, so thoughtlessly, though that touch meant everything to Seth.

Once, during the war he had told her that this was her duty, to marry well, to be a queen. He'd thought then that he could bear it. What a lie that had been.

By and by, Eirika slowed her horse's pace until she had drawn alongside Seth. "Good day, Seth."

"Good day, milady," he replied, careful of his words as they were within earshot of the rest of the party.

"The weather is very fine today, is it not?"

"Yes, as you say."

And then, casting him a sideways glance. "I received a letter this morning."


"Yes," she said, looking forward again. Even the golden beams of sunlight that slanted over her features could not give her skin a healthy hue. "It was a very melancholy note. A mood I'm afraid I share."

"I'm sorry, my lady," he replied, pained to think that his note might have exacerbated her own unhappiness.

"Don't be. It's not the letter that made me so."

It was strange that they should have to speak in such guarded terms when they had grown used to speaking in unreserved tones, when already words of love had fallen from their lips, tender endearments, and fervent promises.

"And how fares Princess Tana?" he asked after the silence had dragged on far too long.

"Anxious. This betrothal means so much to her. If King Hayden were to withdraw his consent..."

Seth nodded. He had been there when Prince Innes had arrived with Tana in tow, weeks earlier than expected. Tana had been rosy-cheeked and beaming as they had marched into Castle Renais' throne room with their retinue of knights and she'd laid eyes on Ephraim. Innes had made a shallow bow to King Ephraim and nodded to Eirika who stood just behind Ephraim's throne.

Once they had exchanged the regular greetings he had taken his sister's hand and offered it to Ephraim. Smiling, and staring into Tana's eyes, his rivalry with Innes for once forgotten, Ephraim had taken her hand. And then frozen at the words that followed from Innes. "I offer you my sister, the treasure of Frelia... in hopes of returning to Frelia with something equally precious." Seth's blood had turned to ice as, from where he stood, he could see Innes's gaze travel from Ephraim... to Eirika. "I cannot, after all, be expected to return home empty handed."

Ephraim's gaze had met Seth's across the room. In that moment Seth had seen all his dreams tumble like battered defences before invading armies.

"Oh Seth... I've tried to talk to him, but he just..." She heaved a sigh. "I'm only a prize to him now, something to be won from Ephraim."

They had caught up to the rest of the hunting party and Vanessa drew alongside them as they approached. "Princess Eirika! Oh you should have seen it!"


"Prince Innes took down that stag with one shot as it bounded out of the woods. It was a perfect shot and a clean kill." The pegasus knight looked positively gleeful as if she had accomplished the feat herself.

Eirika nodded vaguely. "Yes, Innes is unmatched in archery."

Vanessa's brow crinkled into a frown - at Eirika's apparent lack of enthusiasm, he supposed. Seth had a clear view of Innes now, strutting over his prize, bow in hand.

Once Vanessa had moved to rejoin the others Eirika turned to Seth, her eyes damp. "I feel just like that deer, Seth."

Their gazes met and held. And yet he knew there was nothing he could do to comfort her.


The hunting party made its way idly back to Castle Renais. Fluttering in the breeze, the brightly coloured pennants atop the towers were like small dragons snapping at the blue sky. The horses' tack jingled merrily amidst the steady clip clop of their hooves as they passed over the cobbled road and beneath the portcullis of Castle Renais. Sunlight poured into the castle courtyard, setting the guards' armour all aglitter. Yet Seth had rarely felt so dour at returning home.

Ahead of him, Innes kept close by Eirika. He had drawn alongside her during the ride back and stayed there, talking about the hunt and his feats as an archer much of the way. Seth had fallen behind and it had taken all his determination to keep his air neutral and not glower at the prince. Vanessa had fallen in next to him and her eyes had remained trained on Innes, hawklike.

Seth was surprised when, as they dismounted in the courtyard and the grooms came to tend to their mounts, he was hailed by Princess Tana. "Sir Seth," she greeted him, her smile a bit thin, not quite touching your eyes. "How fare you?"

He opened his mouth to answer with some platitude, but Tana's gaze was so kind, and knowing that she knew their secret, he found he could only shake his head.

"I'm sorry," she said, biting her lip and darting a glance over her shoulder to where Innes continued to accost Eirika with his courtship. "This is my fault."

"No, Princess, it's not of your doing. There's no need to-"

She raised a hand to stop him. "Please, Sir Seth. You're very gracious, but..." She sighed and looked again in Eirika's direction. "All during the war I wanted... I wanted to become strong, to show Ephraim and my brother how I could stand on my own. I wanted to be like Eirika," she added, smiling wistfully. She bowed her head. "I should have spoken up before, as soon as Eirika told me about..." She gestured vaguely towards Seth and then in Eirika's direction. When she spoke again she raised her eyes to meet his. "I'm sorry, Sir Seth. I hope one day to have you as a brother-by-marriage."

She turned away then without speaking further and, perplexed, Seth hesitated a moment until he realized she was marching towards Innes and Eirika with the determination of one about do battle. "- tired? You look unwell," Innes was saying and, outwardly maintaining the appearance of calm, Seth seethed. Had Innes only just noticed? "Surely it can't be that objectionable for me to court you?" He said it lightly as if it were only a jest, yet the expression on his features betrayed him.

"Innes." The prince turned, brow deeply furrowed as Tana stalked closer.

"Tana, what is it? Can't you see that I'm-"

"How much longer do you intend to hold us all hostage? Me and Ephraim and Eirika and-" She stopped herself and stood there before her brother, hands planted on her hips, ignoring the turning heads and the low murmur that rose from the group still dallying in the courtyard.

"Tana, be silent," Innes hissed, standing stiffly as the attention of the gathered knights and nobles turned towards them. In the midst of it all, Seth caught Eirika's eye. He so wanted to reach out to her, to take her hand in his. To have held her close for a time, to have tasted her lips, to have heard her whisper his name with such love and longing, and now to be separated in this way... it was worse than if he had never known these things at all.

"I won't!" Tana insisted. "Put an end to this, Innes. Surely this isn't what father intended when he sent you here?" Ephraim had pushed through the onlookers to join Tana but he did not speak or so much as reach out to touch her; he only stood there beside and slightly behind her as if to offer his unspoken support to his betrothed.

"Father was quite clear in what he expected of me in a match," Innes replied. "And Princess Eirika is quite suitable."

Tana's gaze turned to Eirika who had remained tight-lipped during the exchange. "Tell him, Eirika. I- We," she amended, glancing at Ephraim and reaching out to clasp his hand in bother of hers, "can't ask you to carry on with this charade any longer."

"What foolishness is this, Tana?"

Innes's knights and attendants had joined him and clustered close to the prince. The hairs on the back of Seth's neck stood on end and he kept his hand far from hilt.

"Yes," Ephraim said with a sigh, "I think Tana is right. If you'd like me to-"

"No," Eirika replied, shaking her head. She turned then to Innes whose face was pale, eyes staring daggers at Ephraim. "I cannot marry you, Innes," she said, "as I've already promised to marry someone else."

"Who?" The word was barely more than a breath.

Seth stepped forward and offered a slight bow. "Me, my lord."

For a moment Innes's features contorted into an expression of such acute perplexity that it was almost comical. "General Seth?"

"Yes, Prince Innes."

"You? But you are only a knight."

"General Seth has long been my family's most loyal retainer," Ephraim interjected. "I saw fit to reward him for his services during the war."

Innes glowered at Ephraim. "A normal reward for a retainer is a piece of land, perhaps a small title. Not a princess!"

"We had planned to announce it the very day you arrived," Eirika said, but Innes seemed hardly to hear her.

"This is... unacceptable. A royal heir is not permitted to marry a knight." He was pale and trembling with barely contained ire. Icy calm through the worst of the war, this was a side of Innes Seth had never before glimpsed, and he was taken off guard when the prince spun to face him. "I demand satisfaction for this grievous offense."

And with that he drew the sword at his hip and launched himself towards Seth.

But Seth did not draw his blade.

Sweat beaded his brow as the prince struck out at him; Seth knew enough of Frelian law to realize the danger of his position. If a man not of the nobility should shed so much as a drop of royal blood, his life was forfeit.

Seth and Innes circled each other for several moments. "Draw your sword!" Innes ordered.

The world had shrunk to the tiny ring that had formed around them. Seth was acutely aware of the prince's every movement: his stance, the tensing of his shoulders, the slight narrowing of his eyes. In that moment his opponent was his entire universe. Hands still empty, Seth dodged nimbly away from Innes's attack.

Like most nobles, Innes had studied the spear and the sword but he had not the expertise in them that he had with the bow, and Seth could read his movements with ease. Yet the younger man was fleet-footed and struck out with the speed of an arrow and Seth found himself forced to draw his blade to fend off a quick succession of strikes. Yet he refused to attack, dodging and blocking the prince's blows without attacking in turn. And still Innes did not relent.

Seth was startled when, out of the corner of his eye, he detected movement. And then all at once Eirika was between them, sword in hand. "Stop this, Innes," she said, voice like the edge of her blade. The prince ignored her, but when he tried to strike out at Seth, this time it was Eirika's blade that met his.

Innes's expression was one of utter bewilderment. Eirika wasted no time: she attacked and her blade found its mark in Innes's sword arm, drawing blood. His sword clanged to the ground. Eirika kicked it away and then struck at Innes's legs, knocking him down and then holding her sword to his throat as she would have an enemy on the field of battle.

Clutching his injured arm, Innes stared up at her in shock.

Innes's attendants had all drawn their swords, save Vanessa who knelt next to the prince, her hands pressed against the wound in his arm. For a moment Seth was able to tear his gaze away from Eirika to note the worry on Vanessa's features; he saw reflected there the shadow of his own pain.

"Is this what it's come to, Innes?" Eirika demanded. Her hair, whipped about in the breeze, was like a fluttering veil and the sun glinted off the polished steel of her blade. The war had made her fierce and he at once loved her for her strength and mourned for the innocence she'd had to give up to defend her homeland.

"E- Eirika..." Innes stammered.

She did not lower her blade as she spoke. "You're of royal blood and Seth is not! If Seth had so much as nicked you you'd have had the right to ask for his life. You're a master tactician - was that you ruse, Innes?" Her sword tip moved a hair's breadth closer to his skin. "Was it?"

He paled. "I- no." He shifted slightly but her blade remained at his throat and he stilled. "I am... sorry, Eirika. I..." He closed his eyes a moment, composing itself, it seemed, for when he spoke again his usual poise had returned. "In my ire I thought only as a man, not a prince. I had not intended to place Sir Seth in an untenable position. I wished only to best in arms the man who had bested me in..." His eyes shifted for a moment from Eirika to Seth and then back again. "Other arenas."

Only then did Eirika lower her sword and draw away from him. "I apologise for jumping to conclusions." She cast a furtive glance towards Seth. "I was afraid for Seth."

Innes nodded. "I understand, Princess."

"Prince Innes, your wound," Vanessa interrupted, eyes wide, face ashen.

"It's nothing, Vanessa," he said. "I'm fine."

And without even seeming quite aware of it, Innes's free hand moved to cover hers for a moment. Seth's eyes narrowed. A royal heir is not permitted to marry a knight, he had said...


Once the healer had finish treating Innes's wound, they gathered together in Ephraim's study to discuss the state of things. Innes has asked that Vanessa join them in this meeting and though she knew them all, had fought with them as comrades during the war, she looked uncomfortable as she stood a step behind Innes, shifting from foot to foot. And Seth could not but note how her eyes kept darting to Innes's arm. The prince had not changed his clothes and his sleeve was still stained with blood. A patch of pale skin, now whole again, could be glimpsed through the torn fabric.

Ephraim took a seat behind his desk and waived the others to the padded chairs around the room. They sat, all save Vanessa who remained standing at attention behind Prince Innes's chair.

"So," Innes began, his tone as chill as mountain winds, "the princess and General Seth were betrothed and all these weeks you allowed me to make a fool of myself."

Eirika shook her head, reaching out for Seth's hand as he bristled. "It was never our intention to deceive you, Innes, but you arrived before we could make the announcement and then..."

"And then your thinly veiled threat made it difficult to say anything at all," Ephraim snarled. "We don't care for threats, Innes."

Innes gave a haughty toss of his head. "And I do not like being made a fool of. You could have told me then and there."

Ephraim's hands, resting before him on the desk, were clenched into fists. "And you would have flown into a rage and accused me of fabricating the entire thing just to get the better of you."

Tana jumped in before Innes could muster a reply. "Brother, please... I love Ephraim. You know I do and father has approved of the match. Surely he didn't tell you otherwise?"

Innes heaved a sigh and, for a few seconds, closed his eyes. He looked weary, as if perhaps these weeks had been as trying for him as for the rest of them. "It's not you that he disapproves of, Tana."

"What do you mean?"

"Father was... displeased, because I had intimated that I wished to marry below my rank."

Tana tilted her head, eyes slowly turning from Innes... to Vanessa. In spite of the circumstances, Seth found he had to smother a smile at the vividly crimson tint of Vanessa's face as she found all eyes on her.

"Vanessa?" Tana said, eyes wide. "You?" Innes nodded, and as he turned to glance over his shoulder at the pegasus knight standing behind him, a look crossed his face, a look that Seth might almost have called tenderness. A look which had never graced his features when his eyes had rested on Eirika. "Does father know?"

"No," Innes replied curtly. "I did not wish to expose Vanessa to reprisals so I was careful to be very oblique when discussing the matter with our father."

"You could have told me, Innes." Tana looked injured. "I'm your sister. Why can't you act like it sometimes? Eirka told Ephraim about Seth after all."

"Ephraim does not have a father's approval to worry about," Innes snapped in return.

Ephraim rose out of his chair, his voice steely. "My father was murdered, Innes." He drew out the prince's name as if it were distasteful to speak it.

"Please," Eirika said, rising to her feet. "Both of you."

Ephraim sat down again and Innes only crossed his arms over his chest, sitting more stiffly than ever.

"I'm sorry." Their attention turned as, for the first time since the meeting had begun, Vanessa spoke. "I'm sorry I've caused you all so much trouble. It was never my intent to. Only..." Her eyes flickered to Innes's face.

"I've told you," he said very softly, as he raised his eyes to meet hers, "you need not apologise."

Tana swept across the room. She took her brother's hand in one of hers and Vanessa's in her other. "We'll go to father together, then," she announced.


"After the war when I returned to Frelia, you stood by my side when I apologised to father for running away. This time I'll speak on your behalf. On behalf of both of you," she added, smiling at Vanessa.

Innes shook his head. "He'll be angry."

Tana was smiling though. "Only for a little. Vanessa is one of the heroes of the war. He can't really object for long."

"You're very kind, Princess," Vanessa said, ducking her head in a half bow.

"It's settled then," Tana announced. "We'll return to Frelia and speak with father together."

Innes looked about to object but then he paused, his gaze moving from Vanessa to Tana. "Very well then."

"If that's settled," Ephraim said, rising, "I think maybe we should head back out there before the castle gossips begin to circulate a rumour that we've all killed each other." He offered his arm to Tana who took it in spite of Innes's scowl. Vanessa followed a step behind Innes as they all filed out of the room. All save Eirika.

"Seth?" He stopped as she spoke his name.

He glanced toward the doorway as he saw Ephraim hover there a moment. The king winked at him before heading back out into the throne room beyond his study.

And then Seth was alone with her again, alone without attendants or knights, or ill-advised suitors, for the first time in weeks. "Eirika..." And then he crossed the distance between them to pull her into his arms and embrace her tightly.

The heat of her breath on his neck as she spoke his name again sent a shiver of delight down his spine even as joy and relief swept through him in equal measure. She was his again and they would finally be able to make a formal announcement of their betrothal. No more secrets, no more hiding.

Her drew back and held her face, staring into her eyes. "Thank you, Eirika, for what you did today. If things had gone badly in the duel..."

"I don't think Innes meant any harm. Truly. But when he saw that we'd been granted what he wished for more than anything..." She smiled then and reached out to let her fingers comb through his hair and trace down his cheek. "And how could I not try to protect my dearest knight?"

"And yet I'm the one who's meant to-"

She put a finger to his lips. "Hush." And with that Eirika leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

The warmth of her body, the thrum of her heartbeat close to his, the sweetness of that kiss banished the ache and worry of the past weeks, washing them away them away like debris carried off by a spring flood. Pain was swept away, leaving behind only a giddy joy. He had Eirika in his arms again and this time, no one would come between them.


A/N: I rarely write Innes so I'm hoping I did all right and wasn't unfair to him.

game: fire emblem 8, user: wolfraven80

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