[009: Calamity Returns]

Oct 21, 2010 14:58

 "Calamity Returns"
Challenge --9: Terror
Words: 270 thereabouts
Game: Fire Emblem 8
Characters: Fortmortiis (The Evil Demon King)
Warnings: Uh, evil character ranting?


I live!

Despite the futile posturing of an age of heroes, despite their foolish declarations of victory... I live!

Yes, I who in times past roamed these lands and brought absolute terror into their midst. Even the gods regarded me with trepidation and sent forth the chains that bound my soul to the earth and left my body to molder beneath the caverns that I inhabited.

They thought me dead and so left me alone, my soul bound in sleep and my body languishing. Yet I was not destroyed, merely detained.

And while I lay in slumber, the gods have withdrawn their eyes from these lands. The mortals that bested me by their aid have perished, though not without spawning children that I may abuse to pay their miserable debts. Blood shall suffice to fill the chasm of revenge, blood and terror.

The irony of course, is that it is one of those descendants who awakened me from my slumber. A fool who sought to return the dead, a fool that I consume with great pleasure even as he gibbers in fear from the corners of his own mind. The dark power that he sought answered his plea; the corpse of his father reanimated now sits upon a worthless throne.

And I have my own repayment as the chains that bind me are destroyed.

When my minions finish that onerous task, I shall return to my own body and thus complete once more, ravage this world until all that remains is an ocean of blood and torment. Yes, I shall cover this land in darkness and then...beware!

Heavens, I come for you!


AN: I had ideas and help with ideas. Nothing worked. Had the day off today and came up with this. I think that's about as good as I'm going to get for the contest and it even works with my original idea for the contest, although written from a different character's perspective than the one I originally started out with.

Lord knows I tried.

With as well as I drabble, you'd think that this one would have been easy for me. I blame Samuraiter for picking this prompt. (Cause it's easier to blame someone else for 'what have ye' than to admit that ye just ain't measuring up.)

I don't suppose this is evil and an ugly enough tone for a demon lord. [sigh]

Well, at least I made the deadline.

user: shining_valor, game: fire emblem 8

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