HELLO. I am here with your second masterclass challenge! This one is about ~fashuns~, as it is my area of expertise. Specifically, today we are going to be talking about trends, and making them your own! For those of us in the Northern hemisphere (I don't think we have any Aussies, but just in case!), it is currently Springtime, which is personally one of my favorite times to be in the fashion industry. So many new trends are emerging, and it's important to know what they are, and how you can work them into your wardrobe, especially as a model. Below, you'll see a list that I've compiled of a few trends that have come out this Spring. Your mission, should you choose to accept it (you don't have a choice, actually), is to take TWO items off of this list and incorporate both of them into ONE cohesive and fashionable outfit, without compromising your personal style, and also without looking like a fashion victim.
~The list~:
exposed zippers
harem pants
ripped denim
acid wash
military/marching band jackets (think Sergeant Pepper)
color-block prints
maxi dresses
sheer fabrics
If you need help, google is your friend. Even just googling "Spring trends 2009" will get you some really helpful slideshows and articles, so you can see how some of these ideas are being presented on runways.
Comments are unscreened, so please, before you submit your outfit, make sure no one is doing the same two trends as you! I don't want to see two girls in an acid wash romper!
... I actually don't want to see anyone in an acid wash romper, really. I mean, if you think you can rock it, you're welcome to try, but it just seems like a bad idea to me.
You don't have to let us know what you're doing ahead of time, but when you submit, let us know what two trends you chose. Hopefully it will be obvious from your doll, but this will help us, just in case :)
Um, what else? I think that's it. Girl with the best outfit wins, obviously. Your deadline is Friday, May 1st, which is a week from today! If you have any questions, please ask!