(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 09:34

I've got a few things to say to a certain few people. You know exactly who you are. Unfortunatly, AIM profile was not big enough to write all of this.

To group A: Quit trying to act all big and bad by getting smart with every single person who talks to you, and quit talking about everyone behind thier backs. Just get over the fact that no one likes you, no matter how "talented" you may be. Oh, and another thing... When you DO talk about someone behind thier back, and they confront you about it, quit being a baby and just fess up to it.

Group B:  You don't like me? Well la-de-fucking-da.  Does it look like it bothers me? No.

Group C: When you DO tell everyone else that you don't like me behind my back, don't go and act like my friend infront of me. So you only put up with me because I'm your best friends girlfriend? Do me a favor: don't. Either quit tellin people that you can't stand me, or quit talking to me.

Group D: Quit making up lies 24/7. Quit telling people that you and Jack had a thing long before Jack and I did. OK so you were friends. I'm completely ok with it, Im not telling him who he can and can't be friends with, so quit telling everyone that I said otherwise.

Group E: On the subject of Jack and I, we're dating. We've BEEN dating for three months now, and just because you think you're "in love with him" doesn't mean he's going to break up with me for you. Quit telling people "I've always hated Kelsi," or "we have ways of breaking them up." No you fucking don't. You know how much of a say in our relationship you have? Zero. None. At all. So quit trying... Both of you.

Group F: Quit being my friend only when it's convenient for you. Don't ignore me a whole class period, all except for the 5 minutes it takes for you to tell me about your "problems", then go and turn your back on me again. You know what? If you want to break up with her, do it. If you don't want to be friends with her anymore, DON'T. I don't fucking care who all of your friends are, because you know what? I'm not one of them, apparently.

To all of the afore mentioned groups: Until any of you have the guts or the balls to say something to my face, go fuck yourselves.

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