I'm so glad I finally told my shit how I felt......

Mar 16, 2005 13:16

I had a conversation with Jubal today and yeah.... It went...I don't know.. You guys decide.

lazerxrobot: make 'em say uhhh
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: sure
lazerxrobot: hahahhaahahahahaha
lazerxrobot: pussy
jetmxracer6: well i don't know what it means
lazerxrobot: hahahahahahahahha
jetmxracer6: so whatever
lazerxrobot: :'(
jetmxracer6: no
lazerxrobot: yes
jetmxracer6: no
lazerxrobot: yes
lazerxrobot: :'(
jetmxracer6: no
lazerxrobot: :'(
jetmxracer6: no
lazerxrobot: :'(
lazerxrobot: :-\
lazerxrobot: :'(
lazerxrobot: :'(
jetmxracer6: anyways
jetmxracer6: what have you been doing
lazerxrobot: eating cereal
lazerxrobot: and listening to music
lazerxrobot: and yourself?
jetmxracer6: cool
lazerxrobot: oh, and getting ready
jetmxracer6: sleeping and looking around on the net
lazerxrobot: sleeping around, eh?
lazerxrobot: SLUT!
jetmxracer6: yea
jetmxracer6: hahahaha
jetmxracer6: i hope not
lazerxrobot: i see
lazerxrobot: so what's new?
jetmxracer6: nothin
lazerxrobot: i see
jetmxracer6: so still going on the pinic
lazerxrobot: of course
lazerxrobot: why wouldn't i?
jetmxracer6: i don't know i was just asking
lazerxrobot: are you trying to keep me from going?
jetmxracer6: no
jetmxracer6: why would i
lazerxrobot: i don't know
lazerxrobot: that's why i would ask
jetmxracer6: oh
jetmxracer6: no
jetmxracer6: i hope you have fub
lazerxrobot: i hope i do too
jetmxracer6: fun*
jetmxracer6: where are you gonna have it at?
lazerxrobot: not sure
jetmxracer6: oh
jetmxracer6: i bet you'll have a good time
lazerxrobot: meh
lazerxrobot: we're kind of fighting right now
lazerxrobot: so i don't know
jetmxracer6: why?
lazerxrobot: for a bunch of reasons
lazerxrobot: but eh
lazerxrobot: oh well
lazerxrobot: it happens
jetmxracer6: i hope everything gets better
lazerxrobot: meh
lazerxrobot: i don't
lazerxrobot: so whatchu doin'?
jetmxracer6: lookin around on the net
lazerxrobot: cute
jetmxracer6: yea i guess
lazerxrobot: so what are you doing today?
jetmxracer6: i don't know
jetmxracer6: i'm gonna give cameron a call
jetmxracer6: but i don't have money
lazerxrobot: cool
lazerxrobot: he's probably doing shit
lazerxrobot: actually, he is
jetmxracer6: yea he told me to call him and see what he's doing
lazerxrobot: cool
lazerxrobot: he's at the doctor's
jetmxracer6: yea
lazerxrobot: or dentists
jetmxracer6: oh
lazerxrobot: he's going twice today
lazerxrobot: for his grandma and for him
lazerxrobot: later today
jetmxracer6: thats what he did yesturday
lazerxrobot: wait, i thought i hung out with him yesterday
lazerxrobot: oh well
lazerxrobot: haha
lazerxrobot: meh
lazerxrobot: he's most likely with amanda then
lazerxrobot: or his mom
jetmxracer6: yea
jetmxracer6: i don't knwo i'll give him a call
lazerxrobot: you would
jetmxracer6: yea i would
lazerxrobot: ok
jetmxracer6: si what time are you going>
jetmxracer6: ?
lazerxrobot: wtf?
jetmxracer6: so*
jetmxracer6: what
lazerxrobot: i don't know
lazerxrobot: why?
lazerxrobot: probably later on
jetmxracer6: oh
jetmxracer6: i was just tryin to make converstaion
lazerxrobot: boring conversation i must say
jetmxracer6: yea i would have to agree
jetmxracer6: so
jetmxracer6: how do you like your truck
jetmxracer6: does it handle good and everything
lazerxrobot: yes
lazerxrobot: oh man i am so depressed now
jetmxracer6: thats goos
lazerxrobot: :-\
jetmxracer6: good*
lazerxrobot: oh my goodness
jetmxracer6: because of danielle
lazerxrobot: no way
lazerxrobot: yeah right
lazerxrobot: i've never been upset because of her
jetmxracer6: so then why are you depressed?
lazerxrobot: you think lickgoldensky's annoying, huh?
jetmxracer6: kinda
lazerxrobot: hahahahaha
lazerxrobot: lame ass shit
jetmxracer6: after i lisetne to them alot at a time they got annoying
jetmxracer6: why do you say that
lazerxrobot: hey guys thanks for the add!! and it fuckin sucks you guys broke up, you guys fuckin rock!!
lazerxrobot: hahahaha
jetmxracer6: i mean i like them its just like the same thing over and over
lazerxrobot: then you don't like 'em
jetmxracer6: ok
lazerxrobot: hypocrite
jetmxracer6: you know lately it seems something has been up with you
jetmxracer6: like for the past month or so
jetmxracer6: i mean you just have been different
lazerxrobot: how different?
jetmxracer6: like i don't know
jetmxracer6: like not talking and just being really quite and looking depressed
jetmxracer6: and shit like that
lazerxrobot: i haven't been depressed at all
lazerxrobot: in fact, i've been pretty happy
jetmxracer6: well it looks like you are
lazerxrobot: i'm not at all
jetmxracer6: and it also seems that you and i aren't as good as friends as we used to be
lazerxrobot: i see
jetmxracer6: yea
lazerxrobot: you just bug me
lazerxrobot: with your hypocricy
jetmxracer6: ok
lazerxrobot: no, i'm serious
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: fine
lazerxrobot: fine?
jetmxracer6: yea i got the point
lazerxrobot: i just get really annoyed of you easily now
jetmxracer6: i could tell
lazerxrobot: and some people just suggested to keep away from you for a while, kind of like a break
lazerxrobot: and maybe that would help
jetmxracer6: oh
jetmxracer6: i think maybe its because we have a class togeahter and the same lunch and shit like that
lazerxrobot: no, it's because of outside of school
lazerxrobot: you annoy the shit out of me when we hang out
jetmxracer6: we haven't really hung out in a hil
jetmxracer6: awhile*
lazerxrobot: like when there's other people with us, you act totally different
lazerxrobot: as appossed to just you and me
lazerxrobot: then you act normal
jetmxracer6: ph
jetmxracer6: oh*
jetmxracer6: do i
jetmxracer6: i don't try to
lazerxrobot: like honestly, that's what's going on
lazerxrobot: it's like you're trying to impress people
jetmxracer6: oh
lazerxrobot: just act yourself
lazerxrobot: don't try to impress people
lazerxrobot: by "being funny" and bullshit
jetmxracer6: oh
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: well i can see what your saying
jetmxracer6: dude if you ever have a problem with me tell me
jetmxracer6: because your like my bestfriend
lazerxrobot: alright, i guess
lazerxrobot: the thing that bugged me the most with you was you jocking my shit with music
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: i gotcha
lazerxrobot: that's the main thing
jetmxracer6: thats what i thought
lazerxrobot: and then came the shit where you just bugged me in person
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: i understan
jetmxracer6: d
jetmxracer6: well i try not to do any of that shit anymore
jetmxracer6: so i don't bug you
lazerxrobot: hm..
lazerxrobot: i just need time away from you
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: so i guess we won't hang out for a while
lazerxrobot: correct
jetmxracer6: ok
jetmxracer6: so i guess i'll talk to you later
jetmxracer6 signed off at 1:09:08 PM.
jetmxracer6 signed on at 1:09:08 PM.
jetmxracer6 signed off at 1:09:10 PM.
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