be kind. rewind is the film that adds back that tinge of appreciation, interest, enthusiasm into the passion for film-making.
Yesterday's second half of the day was especially fruitful (first half was family-meeting, hurhur). After which, I hung with some colleagues, who, for the life of me, I've never really gotten down to chillin with. And they're a frickin' fun bunch i must say! Walkin & perspiring in the army market, chillin at some hawker centre with freshly-squeezed sugar cane juice, headed to Shaw@Bugis for the movie- before that we had to satisfy our subway craving! In between, i think some of us secretly said prayers because we had to keep crossing this traffic junction from Liang Seah st to get across to Bugis Junction. it was crazy. we screamed while running across the road. that's chinese drama for you indeed. after the movie we headed to have desserts opp the mall and HAD TO cross the junction yet AGAIN. then, off to mustafa with Row, Chris & Diana because our dear Row was having too much fun and forgot all about an important prop. lovely. Haha. Yay. till we hang again.
XOXO, teaf.