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Oct 06, 2005 22:41

janine and i went to king of prussia today! it was awesome. i got 3 shirts and another homecoming dress (my mom didnt like the blue one). and me and janine got our twin day shirts. so woo for that. i didnt get my purse. i just didnt like it enough for $250. so im just gonna save that and keep saving more, and then buy a really expensive one in december. yipee! haha. it was cool tho, cuz no one really goes shopping at like noon on a thursday. so we had hollister all to ourselves. seriously. there was no one but us and the workers. too bad i didnt really want/need a whole lot. im trying to save my money. for bigger things, like the nyc trips in december!! after homecoming thats the next thing i have to look forward to. im thinking im gonna try and shop by myself on one of the nyc trips. i like it better kind of that way. even tho the way the new yorkers look at you becomes way more noticeable when youre by yourself, you just dont have to worry that youre holding someone else back from doing something theyd wanna do.

so im watching making the band 3 right now. i love that show. im always singing and dancing along to it. im such a dork lol. i hope that aubrey wins. shes gorgeous, and she can sing and dance. i havent seen enough of the new girls tho.

the ride home from the mall today was funny. this guy behind me tried to get in the right turning lane before it was even a lane yet to zoom up in front of me. i wasnt having that so i pulled in front of him. and then as soon as we both did our turns i drove 30mph (with him right behind me). just to piss him off. and he was pissed. i drove like that for about a minute, and then sped up to like 45 or 50, so he got excited and started to speed up too. so then i slowed back down to 30. thats what he gets for trying to cut me off. hehe.

volleyball game tomorrow nite!
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