Dec 21, 2004 00:51
Appentraly im going crazy, but whats new.
I didnt go to the alexis show today cause i wanted to go to the one on friday.
I'm not going to pay money to see alexis, and i wouldnt go if it was free. ha!
i wanted to see the planet smashers.
Rachel and I might go see silvertien in burligton or st.cats.
We havn't decided on witch show to go to. *if we go at all
I havent seen rachel in awhile, Well not since the day of the Jimmy show
Witch she didnt come with me, witch is a shame.
The show was in mid-november.
how lame, how fucking lame.
But i was thinking of framing my ticket.
i know im such a loser.
but chris (*the love of my life) gave it to me
well we tradded in line for some reason
i should of got there email or something
but i didnt, oh well.
there were really awsome kids.
people suck, i suck
and its cold in here
My windows leaks in the cold fucking air some outside
the house is still no way near half way done
i hate this hosue.
i want to move back into my old house.
i walked passsed it a few days ago
its horrible and a bit pathedic.
yup, the night i went to save sarah.
and my parnets wouldnt pick me up
so i had to walk all the way home in the coldness of the cold night.
but yeah ever since Friday afternoon when i woke up
ive been feeling sicker then usally
maybe ill get lucky and get sick for christmas
and spend it alone again.
but who knows, i mean its not like im going to know whats wrong with me
till after chirstmas.
Im going to the docters in two days
and im going to the hosptial in a month
for somethign completly different.
fuck, everything sucks.
But i love christmas
and im not going to let anything get in the way of
it being a good one
but i dont really like christmas day so much
i dont care for presents to much
but its now that i love
a few days before chirstmas
with the pretty tree up and all the chrstmas lights on.
and the holiday specials on televiosn.
about love and flying reindeer
and what not.
i love it, i just love it.
well i should be off to bed now
sleeping in the living room again.yay.
my redroom is too cold for me
it makes me feel sicker
so yeah.
the excitment.