(no subject)

Feb 24, 2009 13:26

My cat, Rose Tyler, is very, VERY smart for a cat.

Yesterday morning I came into the living room to weird noises-- CHZZZZG, [silence], CHZZGG, [silence]... it was Rose Tyler, sitting next to the fish tank hitting the red light on the power strip, then looking around because there was no noise and no light, and doing it again, then looking around because there was noise! Shock! She did this several times, luckily, that fish tank has no fish in it so all is alright and I was too intrigued to get her to stop immediately.

Today, I left the bathroom door open for a few moments, and when I walk into the bathroom Chewbacca is climbing into the cabinets--which He KNOWS is a no-no. I throw a foam hand at him (yes, I have foam hands) and he looks at me, angelically, then I look at Rose Tyler, who was standing next to him, who is now staring at me, too. Chewy gets the hell out of the bathroom (he knows what is coming should he try again) and Rose looks at the now-open cabinet, stands up, leans against the cabinet door so that it SNAPS closed and leaves the bathroom, like she doesn't have a care in the world.

She also realizes that people at the computer will not pet her because their hands are busy, so she makes you pet her with your feet... like a monkey.

...She's fucking smart.

She does little smart things all the time, and I never realize how that could be smart... she's a freaking CAT and she does the most amazing things-- of course, they're only amazing because she's a cat.

Chewy tends to be smart too... but he uses the power for evil.

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