Does someone smell bacon???

Jun 22, 2004 04:57

Well I've been sleeping since like 6pm. I just woke up. Sorry to anyone that IMed me.

I haven't written anything in a long time, so this entry will be quite long.

I went camping from Thursday - Sunday. Thursday was alright. We got set up and went shopping. Friday was the day we had the most fun. We rode Bikes and went to the beach. Then we went to the sleeping bear dunes. I was a wuss and gave up about 1/3 of the way to the lake. Mike and Phil went the whole way. Apparently, most people didn't go that far because there was a couple having sex on the beach. When they got back, we went to eat at a place called Boone Docks. They liked it, but it was just overpriced food to me. Once we arrived back at the site, we had a shooting match with some airsoft gun's we had purchased. I think that was the best part of the trip. The best part was my leather coat absorbed most of the shots. On Saturday, Randy, Kurt, and Brian came up. We went to the beach and played guitar and stuff. Then we had a fire like usual. Kirt brought vodka. Mike and Phil were smart and decided not to have some, but I guess I was stupid. I had 2 pepsi and vodka's which was like 4 shots worth I guess. I drank the 2nd one pretty fast to try and get a buzz. I think it worked, because when I stood up to answer my phone I got a little tipsy. I decided to go lie down in the tent. In the mean time, Kurt got totally plastered. Mike and Phil decided to go to bed as well. Randy stayed outside keeping Kurt quiet and trying to get him to go to bed. This is the part where it gets interesting. Mike and Phil got up to go to the bathroom. As they were leaving, the DNR pulled up and said they couldn't leave. Apparently, there was a crime in the park or something, and by staying up late and being teenagers, we made ourselves suspects. They woke me up to get me outside since I was the only one in bed. However, they were not interested once they saw I was white. I was freaking out the whole time because you could still smell the vodka on my breath a little. I started smoking to cover up the smell. I guess it worked because nothing bad happened. The State Police came with the "victims" to identify us, but of course they couldn't. Needless to say, after that we hopped into bed pretty fast. Sunday was pretty uneventful on the ride home.

When I got home, I called Allison to see if she wanted to hang out. When I got there, she ended up calling Ashley to see if she wanted to hang out. We rented the movie Paycheck and watched it at my house. It was pretty hard. I almost had to leave the room a few times because I almost cried. She was right there and I like her and I can't do a damn thing about it. Atleast no one saw me.

I think I will try to go back to bed now...
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