I don't even know what to say. Except this is quite possibly the most vivid, the most horrifying, and the most awesome thing I've ever read, especially in this fandom.
So much of Gilmore Girls is light-hearted, dream-like, cutesy and lovey-dovey and while I like that, don't get me wrong, at times it's like "Yeah, ok already. Now what??" This is such a contrast to the majority of this fandom that I have to commend you for even tackling the subject in the first place. And the fact that the writing of this just flat out ROCKS is icing on the cake.
Every single character in here is spot on 100% in my mind. I can see this playing out in every horrifying detail and I'm just in awe.
I saw this recc'd on TWOP and being bored and not ready yet to go to bed, I clicked. When I saw it was a Jess fic, I very nearly X'd out of the window. But thank goodness, something kept me reading and before I knew it, I'd read all 4 chapters in one sitting. And for some reason I thought this was the final chapter and I panicked, nowhere near ready for this to end yet, and then finally saw the "to be continued" and thought "Oh thank God!" lol It's been a long time since I've been that into a fic.
I hope the next chapter is coming soon! I've got to see how this plays out!
Wow, thank you so much. I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed at the moment at the amount and the quality of feedback I've been getting for this because, while I've been a fan of Gilmore Girls for a long time, I only just recently got into the fandom, and I wasn't expecting it to be so active for a show that's been off the air for more than a year. So, ha, I'm not really sure why I'm rambling about this except maybe as a way to explain why I'm so incoherent.
Thank you, thank you, for this feedback. I feel like I'm sort of winging it with a lot of this, especially since the characters were never in situations anything like this on the show - and super especially since it's such a serious subject - so it's inexpressibly uplifting and encouraging to know that people think I'm capturing the characters well. :D
So much of Gilmore Girls is light-hearted, dream-like, cutesy and lovey-dovey and while I like that, don't get me wrong, at times it's like "Yeah, ok already. Now what??" This is such a contrast to the majority of this fandom that I have to commend you for even tackling the subject in the first place. And the fact that the writing of this just flat out ROCKS is icing on the cake.
Every single character in here is spot on 100% in my mind. I can see this playing out in every horrifying detail and I'm just in awe.
I saw this recc'd on TWOP and being bored and not ready yet to go to bed, I clicked. When I saw it was a Jess fic, I very nearly X'd out of the window. But thank goodness, something kept me reading and before I knew it, I'd read all 4 chapters in one sitting. And for some reason I thought this was the final chapter and I panicked, nowhere near ready for this to end yet, and then finally saw the "to be continued" and thought "Oh thank God!" lol It's been a long time since I've been that into a fic.
I hope the next chapter is coming soon! I've got to see how this plays out!
Thank you, thank you, for this feedback. I feel like I'm sort of winging it with a lot of this, especially since the characters were never in situations anything like this on the show - and super especially since it's such a serious subject - so it's inexpressibly uplifting and encouraging to know that people think I'm capturing the characters well. :D
In conclusion, ♥
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