downTHEMall! extension.
create new apache
create layout-specific layer.
type: theme.
layout: apache-style directory indexing.
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "apache image downloader";
layerinfo "source_viewable" = 1;
function GalleryPage::print_body (){
"Apache Image Downloader
if (not $.pages.all_subitems_displayed) {
if ($.pages.url_prev != "") {
dir_item("left", $.pages.url_prev, "Previous Page", $.gallery.dateupdate, "", "Page " + ($.pages.current - 1) + " of $");
if ($.pages.url_next != "") {
dir_item("right", $.pages.url_next, "Next Page", $.gallery.dateupdate, "", "Page " + ($.pages.current + 1) + " of $");
if ((size $.pictures) == 0) { return; }
var bool tr = false;
var int td = 0;
var string desrow;
var int rows = 0;
foreach var Picture p ($.pictures) {
if (not $tr) {
$tr = true;
var Image i = $p.thumbnails{"norm"};
"tint" => $*tint,
"href" => $p.fullimage.url,
"alt" => $p.title,
$desrow = $desrow + "$p.title";
if ($td == $*cols) {
if ($*show_titles) {
$td = 0;
$tr = false;
$desrow = "";
if ($tr) {
if ($*show_titles) {
}create new
template: (no base)
edit style.
name: apache image downloader.
layout: apache-style directory indexing
manage gals.
foreach $gal ($gals) {
choose a gal to download images from.
if (size($images) > 0) {
change style to "apache image downloader."
save gallery.
click on "view all pictures" link on right.
select & copy gal title.
right click -> downTHEMall!
select "links in the page" tab.
filter by "all files."
if (size($pages) > 1) {
deselect any links to other pages.
set dir to download to. (if you copied the gal title,
you can use that to create a dir with that name)
click "start downloads!" and watch them be grabbed. and stuff.
if (size($pages) > 1) {
go to next page and perform above process for remaining pages.
hit the back button until you reach the manage gal page.
change style back to what it was before you changed it to:
"apache image downloader."
save changes.
if (size($images) == 0) {
choose a subgal.
perform above process.
if (size($remaining_subgals) == 0) {
go to parent gal.
perform above process.
}then use this php, running in a web server emulator on your computer (such as
xitami), to append the correct filetype to each file. this script is intended to run within each folder.
" . $newfile . "