A busy Saturday

Jul 28, 2013 10:44

When I woke up Saturday I finished watching the Godzilla movie I watched on the plane.

Then we headed off to the Peabody Essex Museum.

They were having a special exhibit on the works of Then we headed off to the Fabergé.

They certainly had a lot more than eggs.
Lots of picture frames.

One of the things I especially liked is they had a few things you were allowed to touch.

They also had carved animals and pendants.

Some enameled things too.

And big soup bowls.

Of course, if you’re going to have soup you must have spoons and bowls.

I hadn’t expected Faberge end tables.

The cane ends were cool.

Of course, eggs.

And, as it is an art museum, benches!

My wife lingered a bit longer than I did, but she did eventually come out of the exhibit.

We did walk through the rest of the museum too.

This one looks particularly dangerous to put on the front of a ship.

My wife does like wandering around the museum.

There was an exhibit on a Japanese man who takes photos of “non-traditional” items in Japan.
They’re very interesting. I just wish there was a bit more context for what we were seeing.

And, there was stuff on tea.

Mostly about making and shipping it.

But, also about serving it.

I liked this painting quite a bit. Not so much in style, but in how much sarcasm it gives off.

This one was a strange one.

I tried to join in with them, but it didn’t really work.

There is part of the museum that is the only museum in the new museum.

We did see the plans on expanding the museum even more.

Sadly, the architect just died, so it isn’t clear if the expansion will go on or not.

We did finish before Luthor, and waited a bit for him to get done.

Then, we went off to lunch at a good place we know near the witch memorial.

We did wander around Salem some.

It seemed the local theater knew what I had been watching that morning, but they weren’t showing it themselves.

Traffic home was less than great.

My wife thought this was one of the best names for a business ever.

My wife made cookies and then we went off to cissa & cosmicirony’s house.
Their new cat was so excited to see it, he literally jumped to the ceiling.

He is quite “demonstrative” with claws and teeth.

Being a allergic to cats, I used a soda bottle to play with him. He could claw and bit it as much as he wanted, which was a lot, and it didn’t set off my allergies at all. He seemed to like the bottle.

But, had no problem going back to my foot when I stopped moving the bottle around.

Dinner was great!

We had a really good time, met some new people, and had great food.

luthor, photos, visit, museum, adventures, salem, animals, gojira

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