Poll Do you still think it's daft? So, it’s been just over a month I’ve been trying the daft O-ring wedding
band idea.
There hasn’t been any sign of the rash I get from metal. And, it would
have taken far less than a month for it to show up with metal objects. A
day or two at the most was more common.
I’ve lost 4 of the original 10 I bought. I’m pretty sure one was left in
the hotel in MD last weekend as I had it on Saturday, but not Sunday. I
have no idea where I lost the other 3.
This discourages me to go for metal ones. Even the cheap metal ones are
$100. That would be a lot bigger deal to forget coming out of the shower.
The only real downside I’ve found to them is that if I wear them a few days
they get a bit smelly. My guess is that the rubber picks up the smell of
everything it touches. So, the longer I wear it, the worse it gets.
For a while I just switched to a new one. After all $2.80 for 10 doesn’t
encourage much worry about that. I tried cleaning them, but that just made
them smell like soap. And, since many soaps also bother my skin, made them
itchy to wear.
This weekend I had the idea of washing them with baking soda. That seems
to have worked out fairly well. They aren’t smelly any more, and at least
seem clean.
So, that’s good.
But, I’m still not sure if it is daft or not.