I had my semi-annual eye exam yesterday.
They didn’t do the visual field, which disappointed me as I look forward to tracking numbers on my nerve loss, but the doctor assured me he’d do it in the spring when I was there.
My eye seems to have healed well from the cataracts surgery last winter. He says there is some wrinkling and in the support area, but not enough to be a problem and he doubts I’d notice it.
Given I still am better than 20/20 in the testing I think he’s right.
The young woman giving me the initial exam asked if I could read the third line on the chart. I offered to skip ahead to the 5th to save time and I don’t think she believed me until I read it.
Of course I couldn’t tell here what the power of my reading glasses was in my hand as I can’t read things up close.
The doctor spent a good bit of time examining the back of my eyes and said there is no sign of any additional nerve problems or swelling. I know it’s been 8 years, but I still worry it will come back. Especially as no one knows why it happened in the first place. (I still think it was the smoke from that fire in Tennessee…)
My optic nerve is apparently pale, which means something. But, it’s always been pale, so that’s nothing new.
Over all he said it is all good.
I’ll have more tests done next April.