I notice a local restaurant has their "open" sign up at 6 in the morning. I don’t really think they’re open…
My wife sent me a green/blue test:
https://ismy.blue/?_hsmi=324748680My results:
I know that real estate agents sometimes put up balloons to attract attention. But, I don’t think the one overseeing the business park where my work is understood the point…
For reasons not clear to me, travel through the center of the town where I live has become very difficult. My commute has been less than 20 minutes since I started the new job in July. But, this week I spent double that just trying to get through the center of town.
Back when I was doing my web comic (
https://frankscomics.dreamwidth.org/ ) set in a post apocalyptic era, I thought it would be hard to find backgrounds to use. But, it turns out to be very, very easy. There are all sorts of abandoned buildings and such in the area.
This is the mall that’s still open, but could be used for this.
It makes me think of a statement in the first Foundation book:
"Somewhere in the fifty years just past is where the historians of the future will place an arbitrary line and say: 'This marks the Fall of the Galactic Empire.'
Asimov, Isaac . The Foundation Trilogy (Foundation (Publication Order) @ 1-3) (p. 64). UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition. "
But, either way, Saturday I went to the mall and got our new iPhones.
My wife had to work Saturday, and I have a long habit of making sure the first photo I take on any new device is of her, so when I went to the art museum, I took photos with my iPad. This is not anywhere near as convenient. But, it is my way…
There was a talk by the artist on the new mural in the renaissance gallery:
https://www.worcesterart.org/exhibitions/crystalle-lacouture/Although I’m not big on going to such things without my wife, she is the artist after all, this was a one time event, so I went off to the museum myself.
At first, not many folks, but it filled up.
Once the lecture was done, we all went off to see the mural.
I do like the quote hidden in it of "all the untidy activity continues, awful but cheerful".
I believe that poet was from Worcester…
They have some of the old Higgins stuff out again. Including one of my favorites that was one of the oldest things in the old museum.
What’s cool is they now have a 3D version you can hold.
Driving home from the museum I passed the tunnels from an adventure of my youth 42 years ago:
http://www.phoenixswords.com/fbhjr2/elephant.pdf The football game my wife had to work at at her university did eventually end and she came home. We went out to eat at one of our favorite places and I could get photos of her on the new phone. You can tell she didn’t mind, right?
She felt better when she got her food…
You can tell it is one of our favorite places as the waiter was able to finish my sentences on what I’d order.
"I’ll have the.."
"Crab sticks?"
"Yes, that’s right."
"And, the crab salad roll?"
"And, the shrimp dinner?"
"Shrimp and steak this time."
"With fried rice, no salad but yes to the onion soup."
"I feel I’m too predictable…"
"I’ll put in the order."