This week, the birds returned to our window box. I don’t know if they’ll make a nest there or not. They have before, but not often.
Despite being a month past the official end of winter, we got a fair bit of snow on Friday.
We were worried as the plan was to video some sword and fire things at Tom’s on Saturday and the weather was iffy.
But, we risked it. The snow was still on the ground at Tom’s when we got there, despite it being above freezing.
I used this as a chance to test my new cold weather clothing and it worked well.
We did have to dig the equipment out of storage. Most years we’d have done half a dozen shows by this point in the year, but this year it is the first time we’ve had things out since last September’s show.
Tom’s kids tell me they want to join Phoenix Swords. Considering their dad has been one of our biggest performers for more years than their combined ages, this isn’t that much of a surprise.
If his daughter will really take up fire jousting remains to be seen.
It was a chance to use my new GoPro camera. Good thing I checked it as I had it set for stills, not video. We had to redo some fights, but not too many.
It was nice to get back to it, but I can tell we were all out of practice.
And, by the end we were tired.
But, once the sun was down we did some fire.
The video below is my "blooper reel" of the stuff we won’t use for the show we’re doing on line. But, I think it is closer to the real situation than our edited version might be…