The shows we’ve lost this year due to the plague has me thinking about the continuity of the shows we do.
There are a few we’ve done from the very beginning and still do, a few we’ve almost always done.
A few that were flashes in the pan and didn’t last.
So, yeah I know you’re surprised, I made a chart.
Horizontally it shows the different shows we’ve done across the years.
Vertically how many days of shows we’ve done per year.
If there is a gap in years it’s yellow. Many jobs miss a year or two, but pick us up again.
The top green line is the Gulf Cost Ren Faire that we did last month. We’ve actually been doing it since before Phoenix Swords existed as we did it as part of the previous sword group my wife and I were in a few months before we started Phoenix. (My wife’s contacts got us that job and I was the one pushing us to do it, so I still count it, even with the other group.)
The fall version of that show is also a long green line there. It’s got a gap in 2013 as it was cancelled that year. But, we’ve done all the other years.
Any job we only did once, or only did jobs for one season are the orange ones at the bottom under the yellow line. Some of those we did multiple days, but only for that one season. To be above the yellow line, you’ve got to book us for at least two years. (But, not in a row…)