Some of the folks where I work have seen the Jedi movie and we’ve been talking about it.
It has occurred to me in these discussions that The Last Jedi (Movie 2 of the 3rd trilogy) has more in common with The Empire Strikes Back (Movie 2 of the 2nd trilogy) than I had recognized at first.
I’m not saying that’s good or bad. Just that it is there.
These are some of the things I see in common:
The bad guys chase the good guys out of their base.
In the battle as they retreat, lots of good guys die.
A ship with a big collection of good guys can’t escape by going into hyperspace and have to run away in real space.
A plan to escape is made that involves sneaking off to meet up with someone associated with gambling.
That gambling person betrays the good guys.
An escape is made by going in a way the bad guy sensors won’t pick up.
This attempt to fool the bad guys fails.
One good guy goes a different direction and ends up with an exiled Jedi instructor.
That exiled Jedi instructor is not at all what the person expected.
The student has a strange encounter with the dark side in a cave.
The student goes off from the instructor despite being told they won’t succeed at their plan.
There is an unexpected bond between the main bad guy and the main good guy.
An offer is made by the bad guy to join forces.
The lightsaber that was once Anakin’s is lost.
The movie ends without a very clear cut way forward for the good guy’s cause.
Now, in The Force Awakens, the similarities between VII and IV were blatant.
Desert planet. Poor pilot child without parents. Lost droid with critical information. Escape on the Millennium Falcon. Big planet destroying weapon. Attack of X-wings to destroy weapon before the good guy base is blown up.
All I’m saying is that this one seems to have a similar number of themes, if not even more.
But, they are less blatant.
I still think there were better ways to handle them in the plot…