When my wife was making pies Thanksgiving weekend our apple peeler gave up the ghost. So, I went and got a new one.
It’s funny that I worked for a company that made those and ice cream makers long ago. Next month it will be 30 years since I lost that job. Yet, those things are still about me.
I guess Pokemon Go is having some sort of special event, so the Asian special Pokemon is here in the US.
I found on at Subway…
This month some of our other Phoenix Swords members are going to do a show at one of their kids schools. My wife and I won’t be there.
It will be the first Phoenix Swords show I haven’t been at in more than 9 years.
I feel a bit strange about that.
But, they came up to collect the things for the show this week and we all went out to dinner.
Note the waiter serenading us through a paper towel roll in the background. It was a slow night at the Japanese restaurant…
Even with the time shift last month, the sun still hasn’t risen when I get to work.
Some of my neighbors don’t seem to be good at keeping in the lines.
Yesterday I set off to Worcester to get my hair cut.
Then, my wife and I went to lunch.
Black helicopters were all about. Don’t know what that’s about.
When Godzilla flattened part of Worcester a big parking garage got flattened. My wife and i agree the building they put back up is ugly.
We picked up our comics and then went off to see my aunt and her husband for dinner.
The numbering system where they live is less than straightforward.
But, we found them and set off for dinner.
We had a nice enough time.
After dinner, my aunt practically sprinted away down the hall. (As fast as she can with a walker…)
I suggested she wait and she told me she did it to talk to me alone.
I guess her husband is having memory problems and cognition problems.
This worries my aunt, with good reason.
They’re both 80, so it isn’t unexpected.
Despite all that, we had a nice visit.
It did mean their cat got dinner late, which did not go over well with some.