My wife and I watched the movie Colossal the other night. It theoretically came out a few months ago, but never played anywhere near here.
The previews show it is a movie about a giant monster stomping Seoul Korea. The folks who made the latest Godzilla movie are said to have sued them over similarities between the movies.
Despite that, it isn’t really a kaiju movie. It’s a movie about monsters.
I can see why it didn’t do well.
If you’re expecting kaiju and get abusive people, alcoholism, drug use, unemployment, homelessness and such instead it’s a bit unexpected.
Don’t know. It’s well acted. It’s an interesting take on it.
But, I’ve fought some of these same monsters. I haven’t always won.
It would be nice to be able to summon a kaiju to deal with some of those monsters. But, as in the movie, not all can be dealt with that way…
Don’t think I’ll watch it again. The monsters it shows are close enough I don’t need a movie to see them…