Week in photos

Aug 01, 2015 14:41

It’s the middle of summer here, so lots of hot sunny days.

I’m not the only one who thinks it is hot.

The humidity is also high, so lots of storms.

The other day we had pouring rain while blindingly sunny.

But, most of the storms just missed us.

Big storms.

And, some very interesting clouds.

Twice this week I’ve seen what looks like my car either just behind me or just in front of me.

This always worries me a bit as if I start drifting around I could get lost.

Towards the end of the month folks in our apartment complex show signs of moving out.

I’m surprised they lifted them into the dumpster…

More rain on Thursday.

Friday was another humid morning.

This little bird was noisy enough to fill the whole parking lot at work with its song.

Friday was the "blue moon". Not blue here.

I’m not sure what was going on with our neighbor and their window screens.

Today my wife and I had lunch at the "Mandarin" restaurant near us.

They have happy fish.

We went to the market. My wife was very nice and brought in a carriage from the lot even though we didn’t need it ourself.

Others were not so kind.

shopping, photos, food, rain

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