
Jul 10, 2010 17:46


Turns out I had to do some further tweaking for my subdomain plugin. Unfortunately, my subdomain code didn't originally handle the redirect_canonical filter provided by WordPress. This was originally no big problem, until I tried to create a subdomain for all posts tagged with a particular tag. (In this case which presents all posts tagged with "Development").

Implementing the redirect_canonical filter hook in my plugin was a little tricky because by the time it is called I had already destroyed the original request URI and thus my ability to detect what the unmodified page url was at that time. Thankfully, all it took once I understood the problem was to store that in a global before I modified it, and then read that global back at the appropriate time in redirect_canonical

Today I also added the CKEditor plugin for WordPress. My first impressions of it are that it works very well. In most situations it seems pretty polished. It has a good number of toolbar buttons, without them being overly crowded, and you get to customize their appearance. Minor niggle: there isn't a button, but I think I'll be able to add that with a quick little change.

Two features I recommend you use: there's a "Fullscreen" button and a "Show Blocks" button. The show blocks button gives you little grey rectangles around the major semantic elements and that lets you get a good feel for where your insertion point is located and what the editor is actually doing under the hood.  As for the fullscreen option, obviously that's self explanatory, but if you put that together with a Fluid-generated site specific browser for your blog, and the experience you get is that of a dedicated word-processor for your blog entries.

My one caveat is that, to my supreme disappointment, CKEditor completely fails to load on iPad. I have no idea why yet, but the editor simply flickers out of existence and you're left with the simplest and dumbest of editor experience. (It doesn't even let WordPress' original editor reappear)

I'll see how things go, but moving forwards, for desktop publishing, I may primarily use CKEditor within my Fluid Journal app. However, I really wish I had a more mobile editor that works well. Any recommendations?

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subdomains, wordpress, development

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