Oct 13, 2008 12:47
So I should start by saying that I have started to develop a routine that I fit into perfectly each day. I mean with classes still continuing with the other study abroad students and then the classes that I am taking at Sorbonne Nouvelle I just have days that are filled with lots and lots of well class. Its hard to think that in reality I have begun to deal with the colonization of the french language in my head. In weird ways like saying things like :
"I am in train of doing laundry"
"Il faut que we catch the last metro"
Its really weird. I know that my english is getting more awkward than it has ever been and I know that my french is just as awkward.
So here is a brief recap of whats going on over here :
1 the classes that I am taking are two masters in communication classes one called approches socio discursives des messages télévisuels. and the other is a la théorie d'un mémoire.
2 In class it feels kindof like I am in an animal at the zoo where anytime some sort of debate needs to come up the prof says something along the lines of "Votre camarade americain qui s'asseids ici que pense-t-il ? "
3 Met some cool british kids one of which fell into the seine and we had to pull her out. Yes her knickers were wet
This last weekend a bunch of us went to the drome which is in the south of france, about 2 hours on the TGV;
It was really a lot of fun and I got to eat and by eat i mean try a few bites of a lot of different food. There was a lot of different types of cheese and every meal was at least 4 courses and 2 hours long.
Lots of duck, lots of chevre and lots of champignons.
Other things I did that have been super cool was that I went to the festival du jeu video where I got to see some of the weird frenchies like the association de jeu du role and perhaps rendu compte that i could learn a little more vocab by playing some french video games.