
Jan 01, 2020 00:00


This is the official community for the demigod_elite Facebook Shenanigan's Roleplay! Begun in 2010, the RP is based on the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by author Rick Riordan. This is a fun RP that, while taking its cues from the PJO canon, has developed beyond that into it's own little melting pot of myth, canon, and fanon. Mostly, we sit on the internet and giggle about how clever we all are.

Your mods are the eternally lovely erethesunrises (Anya) and the eternally ridiculous mizuhime_chan (Philippa). If you have any concerns or questions for them, please drop them a line! For current players, Anya can be contacted by messaging Hades' account while Philippa can be reached by messaging Hestia.

Membership is currently moderated to keep out pesky spambots; however, if you are a member of demigod_elite your request to join will be approved no questions asked.

Sign-Up Post!
Request Post!
PB Master List!
Fanworks Master List!

Henceforth, all Round-Up Posts and rounds of Ask A Character will be hosted here. Please refrain from posting anything like that at demigod_elite as it will be deleted.

! mod post, ! rules

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