FB Being an Idiot (No change there then)

Jul 16, 2005 14:08

Okay, so I am totally worried about BW and I am totally exhausted. I can't even think straight for 5 seconds much less handle the lose barrel of fish that was going to come out of that sentence.

Aiken:...What? @_@

(Giant picket sign in head says: 'Lyulf was here but the insesant babbling his driven him out for the day' punctuated by obscene finger gestures)

And if you're watching this BW, you should be in bed sleeeeping! And that's not a request!

So anyway, where was I? Oh yes, ranting-

Flynn: For the sake of everybody, will somebody just gag her?! She's even more irrational than usual! AND BELIEVE ME THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!

Will you pleaase stope with the interruptions? Anyways, I was totally worried when BW went all quiet this morning and then she went all pale looking and stuff but my brain wasn't worried, oh no, my pathetic excuse for a brain simply shrugs it all off! AND WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHY I'M SO GODDAMN PERKY? IT'S DOWNRIGHT IRRITATING!

I mean normal people want to sleep when they're tired or be left alone and they usually have a little voice somewhere that tells them that other person wants to be left alone well I guess mine packed up and lift for Holland didn't it because I was yacking away like a bat out of hell.

AND NOW I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP! Everytime I do, i jerk awake...

Yes, I know, that's also pathetic but I don't care so there which rhymes. I'm still so worried about BW though, I mean I've seen BW not well and this was BW not well! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE DONE SOMETHING?! IT WAS LIKE IT WOULDN'T REGISTER!

HELLO?! BEST FRIEND DYING!!! Why the fuck didn't it regitre?!

BW's probably had enough of me to fill a life time and it's all my own fault.

Flynn: (reading over entry) What the hell-WHAT HAVE YOU USED THIS FOR OUTBURST PAGE?

(FB deflates into puddle even though the forcast is sunny for the next forever)

BW (who is probably and HOPEFULLY sleeping and probably never wants to see me again because I'm a selfish heartless- Flynn: Get a grip FB, for God's sake this is embarassing!): Wha...whassalltheracket?

(steps in puddle of FB)


(Lyulf suddenly makes reappearence)

Lyulf: Forgot to beat the shit out of Aiken...

(holds giant rocket launcher on sturdy shoulders and launches. Aiken gulps and breaks into a bound away from the rockets of doooom)

Aiken: I'M TOO YOUNG!!!! x_x

You know what? I forget what you're supposed to know but can't remember what @_@

(confuses self which isn't hard)

(FB lurches towards one BW hold the germs)

FB: It's okay BW, you can go back to bed now. I'm sorry AIKEN woke you up! Lyulf will promptly maul what is left of his living soul now.

Aiken's soul: Been there done that, change the tense already!

That could slo be a shirt!

Lyulf: (sticks picket sign in ground) I'm no longer needed.

(Lyulf stalks off again)

Notice that in my time of moratal crisis, the only ones of my muses that have stuck by me are Flynn, Nitnat, Van, Gene...(lists)

(3 hours later)

...and the little guy eith the feather hat that I never even noticed when-

Flynn: Oh for fuck's sake, MUSE CONVENTION!

(muses throw huge convention leaving FB out in the cloud)

I'm all alooooooooooone...(sniffs pathetically)

Well I guess the point of this essay was to basically say that I am really sorry for being such an oblivious twit this morning BW, I hope that you're okay but I know you will be as I have a gut feeling and my cards told me to go with my gut...oh screw the cards, I know you're okay because Lyulf and the other guys from ATA reside within your brain too and the muses their seem perfectly unphasled so you know...

Er...I'm also sorry for being so fucking talkative. I would have shut up but the silence scared me for reasons I'm not entirely aware of.

Um...I'm also sorry if any of your headache and stuff was my fault in any way, you knwo what I mean (I think if my mum were here she'd probably get in on this one too as she kinda seemed to-nope lost the thread oif that bit)

I'm really sorry that when you swore earlier scared me as well. You seemed to really mean what you said.

I'm sorry for being and ass as well and I will not get off the Internet as I have scared away all those people that comment on this anyway and I seem to have what's the word, not rambled...

Flynn: T_T Gone on longer than necesssary?



FB out.

General Populace: Thank God!

NB, the song is pretty much a description of what I would like to do to my head.
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