May 23, 2016
Went to meet mj after he was done with his dragon boat & head to bubu's workplace
as this person been craving for his peanut butter & chocolate waffle from Primadeli, geez.
Got our lunch and we head to take my netgeo bag at Tai Seng!
Most girls would be spending their moolahs on makeups or girl stuff
but here I am spending my money on a (finally) proper camera bag!
Hehe got a good deal & totally happy that I purchase this!
May 24, 2016
Went to have dinz dinz with my svc kids! Visited kums at his place because its been awhile since we saw him.
At the same time, we celebrated our big boss 24th birthday as well!
Wish everyone could have make it but oh wellz,
everyone have to do grown up things now hah commitments meh.
Get well soon kums! You'll recover my friend, In shaa Allah :)
May 26, 2016
Get to watch X-Men Apocalypse thanks to ain's work retreat!
And I've get to say thanks to this, I actually decided to watch some of the x-men series before I watch the movie.
I began to get hook to the whole movie surprisingly! I actually chose this over Captain America : Civil War.
I know I'm not suppose to compare but... I just did so hehe.
May 27, 2017
Mj and I went ice-skating for the first time! Well, its a first for him and 2nd for me.
He was reallyyyy excited to skate & we actually bought our own pair of gloves at Daiso hahaha!
We had to wait for awhile as they were cleaning the rink.
After rounds of skating and mj falling down a few times and us getting pro at skating at The Rink,
we headed back to my hood to meet up with my favorite idiot whom we have not met for quite awhile!
Look at this heartbroken face hahaha ok sorry.
Hope you'll be alright soon okay? It's never easy to let go of someone you love, definitely.
But I guess it wasn't your fate with her. It takes time and learn to let go slowly. I'm sure it'll be alright in the end.
Take care Am!
June 3, 2016
Went down to Laselle to support my favorite abang photographer of all time, KevinxWestz!
Meet up with Aizzah and her boyfriend too and we actually got to hang and catch up alittle!
It was nice to see them after so long, as always :)
Abang ni muka masam je selalu, hais. Tak happy eh?
Hehehe its actually the first time I bring mj out to meet with my friends like this.
Hopefully to more outings. Maybe. Or maybe not :p
And here's a gif of mj almost-falling-but-he-didnt gif.
Look at how he keeps on finding something to hold.
Hahahahahaha till the next one!