July 25, 2015
Bubu's boomz cooking for the open house.
Pavlova are love! Pavlova over a birthday cake for me guys, thanks.
Not your usual appropriate raya pose while visiting someone's house.
With my best girlf who came all the way from West just because of me, aww. ♥♥♥
Luv u muah muah thanks for coming! Well, at least you learned how to play Snap and Heart Attack lol
My first time asking Mj to come over for my open house and also our first 'raya' together hehe.
Thanks for coming despite you being super tired from booking out and having to book in the next day.
Thanks for the popiah, babe. ♥♥♥
Well, here's another video I edited of Raya With Mesdy Family! Bloopers version, ya all. Enjoy! ;)
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