Premium sushi; that's how they roll

Jun 05, 2012 00:05

Title : Premium sushi; that's how they roll
Pairing: Akame during Gokusen 2 era
Genre : Crack and fluff; my fav combo
Rating : Safe...Unless you squeeze too much
Disclaimer : Sadly, only the plot is mine.
Summary: It doesn't make sense, but explaining it to Jin takes too much energy. Kame didn't even bother to argue.

A/N : This is written for Peri-chan, bellemelody, to thank her for the wonderful fic she wrote for me in the previous amigo exchange (^_^). Dear, hope you'll enjoy this piece...

It was only 7.30 in the morning, but the drama staffs were already out in the park, setting up their cameras, lighting and whatnot; while the boys were fooling around, playing catch. Except for Kamenashi Kazuya; who pretended to be engrossed in his scripts, but his eyes wandered shyly at another direction.

But of course, such poor acting did not escape his best friend’s attention “Kazu, what are you doing” squeezing himself next to the skinny guy wrapped in the thickest jacket he can found, Jin bubbly invaded Kame’s personal space.

Quickly hiding his eyes, the guy replied with snark “Preparing for the scene. You should try it, sometimes.”

Not affected by the sarcastic tone of the other, Jin snatched the script instead, flipping it playfully “I saw you were looking at Yankumi with pervy eyes.”

Kame snatched it back, frowning in annoyance “It’s Nakama Yukie-san.”

Jin eyed his bandmate suspiciously before sneaking his arms around the guy shoulder’s and pulled him closer “Do you have a crush on her? She’s our teacher, you know. That is wrong.”

Rolling his eyes in defiant, Kame pouted “Yankumi is just a fictional character.”

“She’s older than you” Jin exclaimed instead, ignoring Kame’s petty argument “An obasan” Jin tugged the smaller guy harder, screaming into the poor guy’s red ears “O-ba-san.”

“Get off me, baka” Kame whined, pushing Jin away without success.

“Seriously Kame, she’s too old for you” Jin let him loose, eyes staring determinedly into the clear brown orbs, trying to get the message through.

Kame was about to protest when someone interrupted their conversation “Who’s too old for Kamenashi-kun?”

Both turned around immediately, lost of words when the said actress pulled an empty seat and joined them. Seeing the poker face the two were pulling, she rephrased her question “Is Kamenashi-kun falling for someone older?”

“No…No… It’s not me” he stammered “It’s a friend of ours. Ne Jin” Kame replied behind gritted teeth, stepping on Jin’s foot.

Squirming in pain, Jin replied with a visible pout “Yes. It’s our stupid friend.”

“Ahh” she smiled knowingly, nodded gently.

“Is it wrong?” Kame asked quietly, waiting anxiously for her reply.

“Not at all” she replied sweetly. Then with a soft smile on her lips, she added “Want to know a secret? My boyfriend is actually slightly younger than me.”

“Ehh?” both boys exclaimed in disbelief.

“Shh” she put a finger to her lips and winked “It’s our little secret, ne~”


“Ne Jin, what’s wrong with Kame?” Maru asked in hushed voice, squeezing himself next to the guy “He’s been awfully quiet lately” his eyes fixed on Kame who was sitting still at his dressing table, lost in his own thoughts.

“Did something happen at Gokusen set?” Koki asked before shoving another spoonful of bento rice into his mouth.

Ueda glared at Koki’s bad table manners but kept his thought to himself, sipping his hot drink quietly.

“He’s scary” Junno whined annoyingly, earning a hard whack on his back. Koki was always quick to act.

Jin then signaled for the rest to lean closer, whispering “He had been rejected.”

“Ehh, rejected” Junno exclaimed; followed by few more assaults.

"Well, indirectly" Jin added sheepishly, with a conspiracy look on his face.

“By whom?” Maru asked curiously.

“Yankumi” Jin replied with a frown.

“Ehh, Yan…” Ueda successfully clasped Junno’s mouth, saving him from another blunder. Then, with straight face, he ordered “Jin, fix it.”

“Huh?” he blinked hard, not sure how to react “Me?”

“Well, you’re the closest with him. You should know what to do” Maru replied confidently, patting Jin’s back affectionately. Then he added with a smirk “And if you fail, Koki will come up with plan B.”

Koki nodded innocently, agreeing to it blindly.

“Haik” Jin announced after a short moment of silence, standing tall and walked towards the youngest member “Ne Kazu, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Slowly looking up, Kame stared blankly at Jin, lips twitching.

“I hate seeing you mopping around, wasting your youth over some obasan” Jin announced clearly, not even trying to be subtle “I hate seeing your ugly sad face.”

Amazingly, Kame did not react to it, but the others cringed silently in their spots. Koki then whispered “Does he really know what he’s doing?”

The others shrugged in response.

“So?” Kame sighed.

“I’ll make you fall for me instead” he proudly announced, hands firmly at his waist.

“Ehh???” everyone exclaimed in unison, including Kame.

Blinking hard to the words he just heard, Kame asked in confusion “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“To make you forget about Yankumi, I’ll make you fall in love with me” Jin repeated himself with unshakable confident, full of conviction.

Red shades creeping over Kame’s earlier pale cheeks, tried hard to not to laugh “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“It’s my logic. Do you have any problem with it?” Jin challenged with a straight face.

Then, unexpectedly, Kame replied with a wide smile “You’ll treat me dinner then. I want expensive sushi with lots of squids.”

“Ehhh” he whined, naturally clinging onto Kame’s slim figure “How expensive is it?” Jin instantly pulled his wallet out.

“Premium sushi” Kame replied with twinkling eyes “It’s the only way to mend a broken heart.”

As Jin continued whining and Kame happily trolling; Maru slumped onto his seat and sighed tiredly “I’ve just wasted my energy worrying about those two.”

Ueda shook his head and mumbled to himself “Kids.”

“So, will all of us be invited for sushi as well?” Junno beamed excitedly.

“You wish” Koki rolled his eyes before returning to his bento.

!! fanfiction !!, akame

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