I'm going to BANDUNG, Indonesia!!!

Apr 05, 2011 12:09

After such a hellish week, I'm finally going for a short break!!!
I'm going to Bandung, Indonesia for a SHOPPING SPREE!!! Such a great way to vent out all the frustration that have been bottled up for the past few weeks.

There were so many unfortunate events hit me one after another and work been stretching me thin. If I list it out, you wont believe all that happened to me. From major event as being lash out by the big boss to as small as losing my parking ticket and end up paying a penalty of 10 times the supposed amount...sigh~ And all those unwelcome incidents happened every single day pushing me to the edge... Which I end up writing an angst fic and I almost kill Kame in it...LOL

But with my annual leave being approved yesterday, I'm packing my stuff and heading for 4D 3N away...yehaaa!!! 
My flight will be going off at 3.00pm and I have an hour before checking in. Unfortunately not enough time for my 'To Sir With Love' update....gomene~ I'll update as soon as I'm back...PROMISE (^_^)


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