Since I'm turning 22...

Oct 11, 2005 18:10

7 years ago...

How old were you? 15

What grade were you in? 10th grade

Where did you go to school? Berkley High School

Where did you work? i guess i only babysat at this point

Where did you live? Berkley

How was your hair style? short no longer than my shoulders... i got my first highlights this year

Did you wear braces? not after 6th grade

Did you wear contacts? thank god no

Did you wear glasses? thank god no

Who was your best friend? Nikki Bloom, Erin Levitt, and Melissa Pfaff

Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? no one that year

Who was your celebrity crush? JC from NSync

Who was your regular-person crush? when i was 15... I'm sure a crushed a lot but I had a few boys... Chris Byrne, Josh Boman...

Were you a virgin? yeah, i only french kissed... i was prude until i went out with Nick in 11th grade

How many piercings did you have? just my two in each ear

How many tattoos did you have? none

What was your favorite band/group? NSync

What was your biggest fear? i don't remember

Had you smoked a cigarette yet? maybe... but prolly not

Had you gotten drunk or high yet? i think this is when I started drinking

Had you driven yet? heck yes

If so what car(s) did you use? my parents, with my permit

Which of your pets were still alive? Pepsi and Spice

Which members of your family were still alive? both of my grandpas

Which members of your family were not born yet? no one, we're all here. my sister was 14.

Those Wake up with the King BK commercials freak me out... rather the BKing freaks me out.

Ryan just told me he's not coming up for homecoming :( I hate this long distance crap sometimes. I mean I don't want to whine but it's my frickin' birthday. :(

I have homework that I don't want to do.
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